Firstly, happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had the most fabulous Christmas and New Year. It was a chaotic but magical one in my household and now I’m looking forward to everything that 2016 will bring.
I’m guessing that there may be quite a few little arrivals due this year and if you are expecting in 2016, congratulations!
To kick the year off we are starting a new series on what to what to expect when you are expecting. I certainly remember how I didn’t have a clue what should be happening at various stages of the pregnancy. How should I be feeling, what symptoms should I be having and what on earth should I be doing?
Hopefully we can help. We will be splitting the 9 months up so that we can focus on key areas and handy tips on what to be doing at different stages. As always if you have any specific questions please do comment below.
So let’s start at the very beginning with the first trimester, and weeks 1 – 8. This is probably the most exciting, nerve wracking and all consuming time. There are so many changes, both physically and emotionally, that it can be a lot to cope with.
What is happening?
This is a busy time for your body. That teeny tiny egg has been fertilised and changes very quickly into a little ball of cells which will cling on to the walls of your womb and carry on it’s journey of growing. In the very early stages this is called an embryo. Amazingly although this ball of cells is so tiny it is already forming in to your baby and it has little blood vessels connecting to you. These later becomes the umbilical cord.
At around week 5 your baby’s development speeds up and the nervous system, brain and heart will all be developing and soon after the muscular skeletal system develops.
During week 7 your baby will begin to look more like a little human and facial features begin to develop, even little protective eyelids.
By week 8 they will have knees and wrists and will be moving around lots, although due to the size you will be unable to feel it. At this stage it is likely that your baby will now be referred to as a foetus rather than an embryo.
How big is my baby?
In the first 4 weeks your baby, or embryo, is teeny tiny. About the size of a poppy seed. That’s crazy small for something that is already growing and developing.
At around week 5 your baby’s heart will beat for the first time and by week six the embryo will be approximately 6mm long.
By week 8 your baby will be nearly 2cm long. Still so small but utterly amazing at the same time.
What symptoms can you expect?
Some people instantly know they are pregnant. Others notice very little in the way of symptoms in these first few weeks. Everyone is different but here are a few things you may experience.
Sore boobs – This wasn’t something I had but I know for many this is the very first sign a little one is on their way.
Metallic Taste – For me this was the instant giveaway when I was pregnant with Alice. It is the strangest sensation but when you experience it you will know straight away what I mean.
Acute sense of smell – Yep, certain smells will really get to you and you will notice you pick up scents much more than before.
Intense tiredness – I was shattered with Molly and would come home from work and go straight to sleep, for hours. Some days I struggled to keep awake as the tiredness was all consuming. Unfortunately with Alice I didn’t have that option as I was rushing home from work, grabbing Molly from Nursery and doing the whole bedtime routine. My advice is rest when you can and take it easy. Your body needs a little bit of TLC now.
Sickness – Luckily I never suffered from morning sickness. I had some slight waves of nausea with both the girls but was never actually sick. I know this can be an awful symptom for many and can persist long after the first trimester. Plus the term morning sickness is slightly misleading! If you are unlucky enough to suffer with morning sickness then be prepared to feel ill at all hours of the day I’m afraid. Hopefully it will pass but if you do experience morning sickness then try to eat little and often but stick to plain foods. A lot of my friends swore by crackers or ginger biscuits. Also cold foods tend to be better than hot and make sure you drink plenty of water. Most of all rest and take it easy.
Light spotting – Some people experience a small amount of light spotting in these early weeks. This is due to the embryo implanting itself in your womb. However, it is important to get checked by your doctor or midwife if you do notice any bleeding at any stage of your pregnancy.
Period Style Cramps – As your uterus expands you may experience slight cramps which can be mistaken for your period arriving. Experiencing light cramps is not cause for concern but please do speak to your doctor or Midwife if you are at all worried.
Needing the toilet more often – Even in these early stages you can notice the need to go to the toilet more frequently. Get used to it now!
Change in tastes – You may find that you have changed tastes when it comes to food and drink. I personally went off tea for most of pregnancy. Good thing when you should cut back on caffeine. I also found that I had no desire for rich foods. In fact all I wanted was mashed potato and bread in the early months! Not a craving as such but more that my body could only cope with plain foods.
What you need to do
Book a GP appointment – Once you know you are pregnant make an appointment to see your doctor or a midwife to let them know your news. They will then schedule in your antenatal appointments and initial booking in appointment. It is important to discuss any health concerns as soon as possible.
Start taking supplements – Now is the time to start taking all those essentials to help baby develop. If you were actively trying for a baby you may already be taking these but it is recommended that Folic Acid and Vitamin D every day. A combined tablet like Pregnacare is a good idea.
Cut out the booze – I’m afraid you have to wave goodbye to the gin for the next 9 months. A cheeky tip is to keep some fizzy drinks at home so you can pretend to be drinking in these early stages if you don’t want friends to know. I once went a whole evening drinking the oh so fashionable Schloer and my friends never guessed at all. Luckily I’m not a big drinker anyway and no one picked up my glass by mistake!
Stop smoking – If you are a smoker you will need to stop now. You can get help and advice on achieving this from your doctor.
Cut back on the caffeine – You should start to limit the amount of tea and coffee you drink and cut back or cut out where possible.
Learn what you can and can’t eat – There are many differing opinions when it comes to what foods are allowed in pregnancy but it is advised that you avoid certain food groups like soft cheese and shellfish. You can find a helpful list from the NHS here.
Decide when to tell people – There is no right or wrong answer here. You simply have to tell people when you feel ready. Some people wait until the 12 week scan but I also think it is nice to have the support of a few people in those early weeks. I told my mum at about 8 weeks with both the girls and a few of my closest friends knew by about 10 weeks. It is entirely your decision and what you feel comfortable with.
What’s Next?
In our next instalment we will be talking about weeks 8 – 12 and the remainder of the first trimester. This will be an exciting one as we cover what to expect at your midwife booking in appointment and that amazing 12 week scan where you see your little one for the first time.
In the meantime you are probably a whirlwind of emotions so make sure you talk about it with your partner and family. Most importantly enjoy these initial moments of excitement, or trepidation!
Such a lovely informative post Lottie. Always great to hear from someone who has been through it all. I’m not sure you can prepare yourself with the symptoms. For me the nausea and exhaustion was the worst. Being sick then going into work like your feeling as wonderful as ever was so hard. I am now 15 weeks and am feeling much perkier! I feel so sorry for those poor ladies that suffer with sickness all the way through! Naomi x
Congratulations! Not on the being sick part, obviously! My sister in law was sick every day for 6 months. Not quite sure how she got through it. Hopefully we will be able to catch up with our post timings soon so that they work with your dates for all the future handy hints. xxx
My skin was uber sensitive in the first 8 weeks (well the first 12 actually) I didn’t know I was pregnant for the first 10 so had no idea why my cheeks went all Aunt Sally! I found using very mild cleansing products helped and absolutely no hot water on my face or body only tepid – otherwise it would literally burn x
Great post – and very timely! I’m just coming up to 11 weeks and can’t wait to leave the first trimester behind me. Definitely no glowing here… and whoever coined the term morning sickness clearly didn’t experience it – more like 24 hour sickness 🙁 That said, I am so, so, so excited!!!
It was probably a man who decided on the name Maike! Not everyone feels amazing during pregnancy and I can’t say I remember ‘Glowing’. More just feeling shattered. It is an amazing thing though so enjoy it all xx
I am currently 17 weeks with my second baby and suffered from horrendous morning sickness from week 5-15 both times. The first time I just suffered in silence and was sick 3 times a day and felt nauseous the entire time despite trying every natural remedy going. However, the second time around I decided to mention this to my GP who was able to prescribe me a wonder pill (I have no idea what it was actually called!) that completely stopped the vomiting and massively reduced the nausea. I seriously have no idea how I would have managed to work and look after my toddler without them. Anyway, I just wanted to say, don’t suffer in silence, there are things your GP can do to help you!
I feel for you with the sickness. I’m so glad I didn’t suffer but top tip on asking the GP as I know it can be absolutely awful. Must find out the name of this wonder pill! x
I am now 21 weeks pregnant so out of the first trimester but I think this a great post. The first few weeks felt very lonely for me as we weren’t telling anyone and I was a bag of emotions, so knowing you are not alone is great! I was very generally lucky symptoms (i.e. I wasn’t actually sick) but an odd one that started in the first trimester and hasn’t stopped yet is sneezing and a blocked nose! It tends to be worse at night but Vicks seems to help. I also developed much more sensitive skin, which is has also continued into my second trimester, but thankfully the exhaustion and nausea waves have now subsided!
Sophie I sneezed constantly throughout my pregnancy with Hector and seemed to permanently have a cold which disappeared once I gave birth. Apparently it’s called pregnancy rhinitis and affects quite a few women. Who knew?!
Oh you poor thing with the sneezing. It seems if you avoid one symptom you seem to get another. There is no avoiding it. Good luck with the second trimester and hope the sneezing stops soon. xxx
I’m 12 weeks now and we’ve yet to tell anyone so I’ve been so terrified about everything. If had extreme tiredness, nausea and hunger since the start. Feeling sick and hungry at the same time is challenging! I cried at the first midwife appointment, which she said was completely normal. I think it was as it was the first time I had talked to anyone except my husband about it. I’m getting really excited about my first scan now and decorating the nursery!!
Congratulations Katherine! It will be so exciting when you have your first scan and hopefully you are through some of the worst of the sickness. I’m afraid being an emotional wreck continues (and long after baby arrives!) but it is definitely good to talk to people. Nursery decorating is the best so enjoy xx
Katherine – I saw a woman describe it almost as if you have two stomachs: one which is seasick and queasy all the time whilst the other just wants to eat non-stop! Definitely sympathise with the terrified, we had an early scan at 8 weeks and all was as good as can be, we even saw a heartbeat. I’m still scared stiff though that things will go wrong. x
This is very appropriate for me as I found out I was pregnant on Jan 1st! I’d be really interested to read about how others have told their family and friends. And when. Do you wait for the magical 12 weeks?
Congratulations Anon for now! I waited until I had my scan at 12 weeks before telling anyone (yep even my mum). Only my husband and my crossfit trainer knew but I had friends who revealed they were pregnant around the 8 week mark. It’s completely up to you as a person and when you feel the time is right to tell whoever it is you want to tell. Can’t wait to hear more in the weeks ahead xx
Oh congratulations. Such lovely news. I think it is entirely up to you when you tell people. I think I told my mum at about 8 weeks with both and a few friends knew just before my 12 week scan but other than that I waited. On the flip side I have friends who’ve told us at 4 weeks and one friend who kept it a secret till 5 months!! xx
16 weeks with number 3 for me. I’m feeling fab now I’m out of the sickly faze! I was only actually sick once but felt constantly unwell, the only thing that seemed to help was eating little and often…carrot sticks and ginger biscuits were a big hit!
I also had headaches and migraines (probably after the 12 week stage though) which were really rubbish – I think I was struggling to drink as much water as my body and baby needed.
Feeling much more tired this time around but I’d say that has more to do with running around after two energetic boys than it does the pregnancy…the luxury of lazy Sunday’s and afternoon snoozes is seriously appealing right now!
I’m really looking forward to this series and have been waiting until today to write this comment as I had my 12 week scan last night. 🙂 I’ve been very blessed and haven’t had any morning sickness, but have been exhausted and had nausea (eating little and often helped with this), and lately just really hungry all of the time. I have gone off nuts (think I ate too many at the start), brussel sprouts and anything that’s too sweet. I seem to prefer more savoury snacks at the moment and really cold drinks. I suffer from my sinuses in general and think I have pregnancy rhinitis now as well as I can’t stop sneezing too and my nose runs constantly. Baby is due at the end of July and I can’t believe that a quarter of my pregnancy is over already! We told immediate family and our best friends at about 6 weeks as they are our main support network (just incase we needed them) and told a few other people last night. I told my line manager at the start of this week, as I will need time off for appointments, and he was very excited and supportive. We will tell other people gradually and my granny is itching to tell the rest of the family already.
Hi, thank you for this post i love the blog and always read it. I have just recently found out that i am pregnant with my first baby. I am only 6 weeks gone and to be truthful absolutely petrified and excited at the same time. our parents know as we felt they should but 12 week scan seems an age away. It has taken me and my husband a long time to get here and I’m struggling to believe its true or that something bad won’t happen.
Congratulations! Such an exciting time and so happy for you. The wait till the 12 week scan does drag but then everything flies by. Try to relax and enjoy these first few months and your little secret xx
Hi, thank you for this post i love the blog and always read it. I have just recently found out that i am pregnant with my first baby. I am only 6 weeks gone and to be truthful absolutely petrified and excited at the same time. our parents know as we felt they should but 12 week scan seems an age away. Im scared to believe it is all true.
hey my name is shanice baier and i am 17 years old and i am 7 weeks and i am havnig my baby on july 29 2013 and i can’t wait tell the baby cames and add me on gmail ok thahts