Oh my little boy. I love you so very much that sometimes it is completely overwhelming. I wish we could just melt together and I could keep you as your perfect little self forever. I even feel like that when Monster Mom rears her ugly head believe it or not, and I am forever sorry that you have met her. And that you’ve met her on more than one occasion.

Like this morning for instance. She came out, slightly out of nowhere really. I just wanted you to listen and to not open your Gruffalo jigsaw puzzle because it was time to wear those new shoes (you bought from shoe hero) and put your coat on and get out the door to nursery before you missed breakfast call. But you went ahead and did it anyway. When I asked you a second time to not open the jigsaw puzzle, your defiant two year old self appeared and told me no. I counted to three before moving you to the naughty step. Upon reaching two you squealed like you were being badly hurt. So loudly. So unnecessarily. And then there she was. Almost screaming back at you. Certainly talking to you in a way that Normal Mom would be completely ashamed of. Over a jigsaw. I felt ridiculous. Upset with myself that I’d raised my voice at you. Why couldn’t I just hold it together to explain to you why we needed to shift our butts.

We both lost our cool.

We’re both tired. You were up four times in the night. I was up at least 7. That leaves not much time for actual sleeping. And we are both unbelievably alike. Not enough sleeps makes us very grumpy indeed and it would appear we both have short fuses.

But that said, I am the adult. I am your Mom. Therefore I should be able to reason in my own head that you are two. You don’t always understand what I’m asking of you and how important it is for you to have your breakfast, and how I have to start work. You don’t get it. And that’s fine. You are two. I should be able to control my patience.

And I think I’m getting better at hiding her. She definitely comes out much less often than she used to. I am breathing. I am remembering you don’t always understand and I am sorry for those times when I expect too much from you.

I know from talking to friends that I am not the only one who has this alter ego. If only it was more a Sasha Fierce AKA Beyonce type one who burst into song and dance whenever she felt frustrated. Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong. Perhaps next time I feel her creeping out I’ll just burst into a rendition of Crazy In Love and strut around the house. It’s probably the most apt song I could sing, because you do make me crazy sometimes. You’re strong headed. You want to be the leader and walk down the stairs first (always!), you tell me to shut the toilet door when you use the loo, you want to put your own socks on, you want to tell me no and push those defiant boundaries. Mommy isn’t ready for you to be so independent yet, and it’s hard in these testing times where you’re trying to figure out who’s the boss. I just want to hold on to all of your innocence… I’m not quite ready for a battle with a mini version of myself.

But my little boy. I do love you so very much. Both me and Monster Mom are totally completely and utterly crazy in love with you. Promise.


Do you have a Monster Mom inside of you? How do you stop her from rearing her ugly head? Count to 10? Walk away? I’d love to know how you keep your cool when you’re being tested.

Image by Little Beanies