All of the team here at RMF have obviously been through the myriad of emotions that come with deciding to start a family and, my gosh, there are a lot. However, for most us that was a few years back now and we thought it would be good to hear from someone who is currently going through this with all the thoughts, worries and hoping that throws up. Step forward our lovely reader Sophie.
Hi RMF. I commented on Charlotte’s ‘Ask me anything’ post requesting more content from those in the ‘deciding to have a baby and starting to conceive’ stage of life before deciding to follow the old rule that you only get out what you put in and rather than expecting someone else to write about the experience I am going through, I’d do it myself, in the hope it would generate comments and discussion to help me in a way someone else’s post would.
My husband and I got married a year ago after nearly 10 years together. We have always spoken about our desire to have a family and over the years I may have uttered the phrase “if you bloody well hurry up and propose we can get married and then get on to babies”. Anyway, turns out he was absolutely right to wait and propose when he did, we had the wedding of our dreams and then, NOW we could start trying for babies. I was so excited – and so ready – but I was also anxious that I was behind schedule (per the life plan I made aged 11) as I always envisaged myself having children in my mid to late 20s and at this point, I was 3 months away from my 30th birthday.
My pill packet ended and that was it, we were trying. We didn’t really have a big discussion about it; we’ve talked about our desire for children for so long, we’ve never been more in love, we own our house, we’re financially secure (ish – I mean, my credit card balance could possibly be slightly lower if you’re going to be super critical) and I am a great believer that one day, despite never buying a ticket, I will win the lottery. And not the UK lottery, the Euromillions where the jackpot is over £100m. Anyway, everyone always says there is never the perfect time to start a family.
What I absolutely didn’t expect is all the ‘what ifs’ and thoughts that rushed into my head the first time we didn’t use contraception. What if we couldn’t conceive? What if I got pregnant and we lost the baby, how would we cope? What if we had a baby and it was unwell? To the complete ridiculous – what if we had an ugly baby and I knew everyone was just pretending it was cute? (the fact my Father pointed out in his speech at our wedding that all parents think their baby is pretty but facts are, some just aren’t has got me paranoid!) What if they didn’t love horses? Oh god, I’m not going to be a cool mum, I’m not skinny enough or generally cool enough. Oh god, I absolutely should have changed jobs when I thought about it a year ago because now I can’t because what if I fall pregnant and am not eligible for maternity pay (this is a biggy). You get the gist.
Whilst all these weird and wonderful thoughts were bouncing around I also wanted to make sure that getting pregnant wouldn’t take over my life. I didn’t want to use apps, take my temperature every day, research obsessively, just (as my Aunt so succinctly put it) sh*g as much as poss. It sounds so easy but turns out it isn’t when my husband and I work long hours with one of us often getting home from the office post-11pm and me getting up really early every morning to muck out 3 horses before work – it doesn’t leave much overlap for both being conscious at the same time and it’s something I really struggle with. I hate that at times (and it’s been really bad recently) our work/life balance can be so poor that Mon-Fri it’s likely we won’t see each other awake.
Considering my excited yet non-obsessive approach to getting pregnant I have been completely floored with the crashing disappointment when my period arrives – and the difficulty of telling my husband that I have my period (though yay for regular periods post-pill), and the inexplicable frustration over people publicising their pregnancies from a very early stage all over Facebook. I am (wo)man enough to admit that the frustration is probably grounded in jealousy and I don’t like that feeling at all.
We have only been trying for four months (that’s nothing I hear you cry!) and I know I need to just be patient but why, WHY, is there no grey area when it comes to pregnancy? I have spent years desperately trying not to get pregnant, but now there’s nothing I want more than to get pregnant. Part of me feels guilty for being so self-absorbed when I have dear friends who have gone through the unimaginable and had their babies pass away, found out they’re infertile, or just generally been trying to conceive for far longer than four measly months. And this guilt means I don’t talk to anyone about it; that and the fact I don’t want it widely known that we are trying so people don’t feel they can ask “are you pregnant yet?” (if I am drinking my body weight in wine, then no, I am not).
I think I now want to feel a bit more in control of it all and last week I bought a box of Boots ovulation sticks just to be doing something proactive. I guess the reason I requested more coverage on this topic was to find out whether I am the only one in this particular bizarre emotion-filled boat? I really hope not.
In fact, you know what? I may not even be the only one who accidentally used one of her husband’s favourite mugs when the instructions on said Boots ovulation sticks called for a ‘small container to urinate in to’. Or the only one who can’t understand the bloody things; am I ovulating or not?! Or the only one who hasn’t adjusted their life plan post-11 years old.
Sophie, I feel exactly the same as you do. I’m in exactly the same position as you and feel like there is just so much uncertainty. I feel like I can’t plan things for later in the year, just in case. There is a real struggle between being positive about pregnancy happening and being cautious. Part of me wants to buy books and read up and educate myself but I don’t put of fear it’s all too soon and who knows how long we might be waiting. The part of your blog that particularly strikes a cord is the inability to talk about it with anyone as like you, I don’t want to make the mistake of telling people we are trying and that now being the conversation. Good luck with everything x
Hi Sarah, I hear you. Hopefully the comments will help both of us, if anything just to reassure we are not alone/only ones who’ve felt like this! On the planning things for later in the year, I know what you mean. Though we’ve taken the approach of proceeding as normal until we know otherwise, and I think it’s important to have things to look forward to. Good luck to you x
I totally get this too! I really want to book a girls weekend away but if I become pregnant in the meantime it completely changes the tone of the trip and I feel it’s not fair on my friend…Sarah I’m totally on your wavelength!
Morning Sophie!
I’m so glad you have shared this with us.
I totally get how you feel. You are definitely not alone in feeling like this (all sorts go through your mind!) and I have briefly mentioned my own experiences in various other posts on RMF over the past year.
I have 5 close friends, we all got married within a few years of eachother and were all trying for a baby at the same time. They all fell pregnant pretty much straight away. It took us 10 months to conceieve. Round 2 has commenced and again, all 5 friends were pregnant immediately (one with twins) and we’re on month 10 of trying.
I an SUPER happy for them, don’t get me wrong but also I feel annoyed and jealous at times. Then I feel really guilty as I have my beautiful boy. Such a constant tide of emotions. My friends and I have a group chat on Facebook and yesterday they were talking about swapping maternity clothes and I just wanted to tell them to shut up but that would be pretty stupid. We are currently in the ‘relax and it will happen’ stage after getting rather obsessed with ovulation sticks. But ‘trying to relax’ and then nothing happening makes me more stressed! Its like a crazy circle. Wishing you all the luck in the world Sophie!
Morning Katie! The jealous feelings are AWFUL aren’t they? It’s absolutely not part of my personality so I find that hard to deal with. And totally get the ‘trying to relax’ it’s like being told not to do something, all you then want to do is do that exact thing! Yay for baby number one and everything crossed for baby number two for you x
Hi Katie, Just wanted to say I have been where you are!! I had a little boy after 5 months of trying and when he was just over one started trying for number 2. It took 16 long cycles.
All my NCT group started trying, got pregnant, had the baby…. their second children were crawling around by the time my girl was born! It was very stressful and depressing and I felt constantly distracted by it, less able to enjoy my lovely son and guilty that I couldn’t be happy with what I already had.
Two positives; one was the tears of joy when I finally did the positive test, and the other was that my bigger than planned age gap seemed to be much easier than my friends. No double buggy necessary! Wishing you luck, hopefully you don’t have to wait much longer x
Completely feel you Sophie!
My husband and I tried for 5 months until we were successful. By month 5 I had wasted sooooo much money on ovulation tests, early pregnancy tests etc that I brought cheap ovulation tests from Amazon. Ones that you do morning and evening, low and behold I was ovulating much later than I though (day 18!) we got pregnant that month and now have 7 weeks to go to meet the little bubba.
But in those 5 months I remember it being awful, I completely understand people go through ALOT worse and we have actually been really lucky. But the control freak in me just kept thinking the worse. ?
I wish you all the luck, fingers crossed you’ll get your two lines soon! Xx
Thank you Evie! That’s good to hear about your success once you found out your ovulation Days. Looks like I really should learn how to use them! BUT WHY IS EVERYTHING SO EXPENSIVE?? I hope your last 7 weeks whizz by and baby arrives safely x
Ah yes. The ovulation stick shot glass ? Really good post, Sophie. Will be back later with something more worthwhile when I have a moments respite from the living breathing outcome of those ovulation sticks!
Oh Sophie! You’ve just brought back memories of the ‘Pee Ramekin’ ???. I’m way too superstitious so it ended up living in the bathroom as the ONLY pot I’d pee in! Your husbands mug made me laugh.
I know you don’t need advice but if I could say one thing it’s to stay away from TTC forums. They will send you insane! It’s hard not to become obsessed but those places are just no help at all.
I think taking control with ovulation sticks is a good move, especially if you both work long hours. There are some really great apps too. You’re doing the right thing, get to know your body and your cycle.
A great post, I wish you both lots of luck! Xx
A pee ramekin! I love it!! I mean what do they think people are going to use when they write those instructions?! I haven’t gone on a single forum or googled anything other than ovulation cycles. And hope to stay that way. X
Hi Sophie 🙂
I just wanted to say that everything you are feeling is TOTALLY normal.
Every single worry that you have put up there, I’ve had. That includes the ugly baby one. I am actually pregnant now and yesterday worried that I would have an evil baby that ended up going into a school and killing other kids… I mean seriously WTF?!
I also said I wouldn’t try obsessively and then ended up using ovulation kits, thermometers, apps, having acupuncture, seeing a fertility nutritionist, having reflexology, taking a million supplements etc etc etc.
I basically found “trying” a super stresssful time. My cycles were irregular (ranging from 28 days to over 40) though which made it worse as I didn’t know if something was genuinely wrong. In the end it took us exactly a year of properly trying to get pregnant. It seemed like forever at the time, but it’s actually super normal. There is definitely a reason why they say to wait a year before seeing a doc!
My advice (so much easier said than done!) is to use the ovulation kits and take some good quality supplements but try not to let it take over your life. If you can (although appreciate it’s hard from your hours!) scrap the ovulation kits and have sex every other day for two weeks over your ovulation time…that means less pressure.
I don’t want to scare you but I honesty had one of the most stressful years of my life trying, which looking back is upsetting because part of that time is the second half of my very first year of marriage. If you can, try and relax and not make everything about having a baby; book away fun weekends, go on holiday, have boozy date nights, see your girls etc etc.
I’m sure it WILL happen for you, it’s just you don’t know WHEN so you kinda have to try and make peace with the fact you don’t have any control. I wish someone had forced me to do that!
In addition to this (again hardest thing in the world and something I did so badly!) try and not compare your journey to others because comparison is the theif of joy! I had 4 best friends announce they were pregnant (with 3 giving birth!) plus other friends and family while I was trying. Unfortunately we are at the age when that will be the case and it’s something you will have to deal with. There is always going to be a niggle of jealousy but at the same time your time will come and the fact it took them just one month doesn’t really matter…some people just get lucky.
Really wishing you all the luck in the world!
Try and enjoy the ride as much as possible and don’t let it get in the way of actually living xxx
PS also stay off google and forums at all costs!!!!!!!
Just realised “try to enjoy the ride” wasn’t the best choice of words… I will change that to try and enjoy the journey ?
Hi Ellie – I loved ‘enjoy the ride’ ??? hilarious and very apt. And on the crazy evil child, I’m sure that won’t happen but legitimate worry ? We are totally trying to not let it take over and living life as normal until we know otherwise. Thanks for the reassurance xx
Sorry…me again! If you are interested the nutritionist told us to;
* eat half a pomegranate, blueberries, chai seeds powder and flaxseeds powder as part of our breakfast (we just put on our usual porridge/ yog and granola/ smoothie). Then hubbie was told to eat walnuts as well
* both eat spinach, cress, raw carrot, raw red onion, red pepper, tomatoes and avocado as part of lunch (I usually had as a side salad alongside usual lunch because otherwise gets boring!)
* full fat dairy (e.g. cheese!!) once a day
* lots of white fish
* organic meat
* tuna no more than once a week
* lots of lentils and beans
* good quality dark choc
* lots of water
Supplements were good quality spriulina, vit d, magnesium, fish oil and probiotic.
If you do that I would suggest just doing it as a health kick rather than a ‘fertility diet’. I felt literally AMAZING and had so much energy (and so did hubbie). I want to go back to it after I’ve had the baby (impossible wth pregnancy cravings!!!). Again try not to be too strict if you do that and have weekends off to eat what you want, otherwise so boring ?
Ellie thank you so much for this – really helpful and so kind of you to share. I have passed on to my husband too!! x
Hi Sophie, this is a really interesting topic. Thanks for being so open. I’m sure there are lots of people who are going through similar thoughts / experiences at the moment. I’ve actually conceived six times (although due to miscarriages I don’t have six children, I’m not that mad!) so I’ve done quite a bit of TTC (trying to conceive). I completely understand your monthly sadness when your period arrives and your desire for some control over the process and ovulation sticks may well help with that but be careful about letting them take over your life. Even if you try to act carefree, very quickly it can be a case of ‘I’m ovulating, we must have sex NOW!’ and although hard to imagine initially, the joy of sex can soon wear off resulting in a stressed husband which can have disastrous results for any baby making attempts. Whilst you can essentially lay back and think of England, he has to perform. No performance = no chance of a baby. Because of this you might want to focus your attentions on something other than just ovulation (whilst still tracking your cycle). For example, is your diet / lifestyle as healthy as it could be? Could you be fitter or drink less or be more mindful? By focusing on those elements it can take some of the focus off the sex which can help you feel more in control and less stressed. As for the actual TTC part, you might want to try the ‘egg meets sperm plan’ (google it) it worked for us more than once. Good luck. I hope you get a postive pregnancy test soon x
Thanks Kat, all of this is so true. Particularly the ‘performance’ part ? We are both working on the diet and lifestyle too as want to be as healthy (not that we are currently unhealthy) as possible. I’ll google that plan, thanks so much xx
I’m not at the same stage as you as I’m luckily pregnant for the second time but had to comment as I was so similar to you. I tried to do the ‘relax it will happen’ approach. Unfortunately with long hours and being completely exhausted it wasn’t going to happen unless I could pinpoint when I ovulated. This was especially true second time as we tried when I stopped breastfeeding and my periods were irregular. Turns out I was ovulating really late in my cycle. As soon as we knew, had a very tiring week (!) and I was pregnant. I hope this works for you xx
Thanks Anna, that’s so good to hear x
I had my son in January, but I found myself nodding along to everything you had written above as I felt all of this. It can be a horrible and isolating time and I was exactly the same in that I wanted absolutely no one to know. As previous commenters have said above, as bad as it sounds as it’s a joint decision and you are “in it together”, the stress of the situation impacted my husband way more than it did me. So in the end I didn’t tell him when I was ovulating (he probably guessed…but obvious!). As far as monitoring goes, I had a thermometer which went under the tongue which is put in my mouth before I’d even sat up and track the figures on the Nurture app- first month I did this I got pregnant, like others I was ovulating later than I thought. Good luck!
Thanks Charlotte – a friend of mine also had success doing this so maybe that’s the sensible next step. X
I was EXACTLY the same. It was a constant battle between sensible me and crazy me.
When my period arrived 3 days late on month 3 of trying, I had a meltdown. We were on a holiday with my husbands family at the time and I kept disappearing to have a little cry in the toilet. i eventually had a proper sob into my husband who, in the kindest way he could, told me to calm the hell down and get a grip before I let it take my life over.
I still worried and had irrational jealousy of the couple who had accidentally got pregnant but I felt like I clung on to my sanity.
I’ve got so much respect for people who it takes longer or have to go another route.
Your husband sounds like a superstar Sarah. A reality check from our most loved is sometimes what we need x
Hi Sophie
It’s so refreshing to read this. We’re a year in (and one miscarriage down) and i feel just like you do. I don’t really talk about it to my friends – who all have kids – because I don’t want to continually be asked if we’re trying. But that means I don’t talk about it to anyone and it’s probably been the hardest year of my life…and the two week wait – it’s torture right?! Good luck with it all and thanks for sharing X
Hi Lou, I’m so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. That proves the point the conception is essentially just ONE worry/stress. Someone at a baby shower the other week said to me ‘you got married last year right? So, any plans to have children? I’d really recommend it’. This was from someone I don’t know. I felt like saying ‘oh gosh thanks for that, I’ve never actually considered it but now you mention it…’ I mean, EUGH. Best of luck to you xx
This could have been written by me ( although not as articulately) as it sums up exactly how I feel. Hubby has been desperate for children for years, ( no ptessure then!) and I have been more practical about needing house etc first. I promised three years ago that once the implant ran out we would try. That was November and we are due to complete on our house our house purchase in may, and we are now ‘trying’. Why does everyone have an opinion on when you want children, and also the assumption that this has always been your main goal in life? Don’t get me wrong, I want children and would be devastated If it doesn’t happen, but I am also very happy with my life right now! Luckily I have recently made a new friend (a whole other post I feel!) Who had a horrific time in conceiving but then had her beautiful girl and lets me ask/say anyrhing with no judgement. Also seems like every one gets pregnant immediately, even though I know this is not the case. Sorry for the ramble and I have been entirely selfish and not offered any advice, but hopefully shown you are not alone!! Xx
No apology needed Emma!! Love a ramble. Totally agree on everyone having an opinion – my poker face has been put to the test big time. And agree on everyone conceiving immediately but yes, that isn’t the case. X ps new friend – I love making new friends but also hate making up reasons to meet up, is asking them to come over to play, aka when you were a child, acceptable?! X
Wine…always a winner!! ?xx
Hi Sophie
I am in the exact same position. Onto my 4th cycle post pill. I have been getting regular periods (though the length of cycle varies) and have been tracking last 2 cycles with apps and ovulation tests and measuring my temperature. I am a complete planner and control freak so don’t do anything by halves – I jumped straight it with all the ttc kit! But it hasn’t worked despite cutting everything nice (caffeine, alcohol and sugar!) Got my period Saturday and cried all day in front of my mother in law. I’ve decided to stop trying so hard and just relax because actually actively trying can be just as stressful.
I also know what you mean by the baby envy. A colleague of mine has just had a baby girl, it’s a long story but it was unplanned and on his part unwanted – it seems so unfair as we buy the new arrival a present and look at photos while I sit there desperate for a child.
Should also add I’m going to the doctors to get a check on hormones as tracking has shown some worried. If you get worried I’d go speak to someone, don’t wait if it’s causing you worry.
Good luck, try not to stress and see what happens. But also, it’s okay to feel down, sad, angry and jealous because we are human with lots of love to give to our wee one when they come.
Natalie x
P.S also agree on trying to conceive content – it would help keep me sane and feel less alone.
Thanks Natalie, so reassuring to know I’m not alone and you’re so right about the emotions and us only being human. Best of luck to you x
Thanks so much for writing this and very best of luck to you. Emma Cannon (who RMF should totally interview) has written some great books about trying to conceive that are centred on being kind to yourself. If you want to start reading that is.
Keep hold of that mug as you will hopefully soon be needing it for pregnancy tests and then for endless urine samples!
And with the horses… the first thing out of my mouth when I saw I had a daughter was “oh, someone to ride with at last!” Totally normal expectations ?
Thank you Lucy – for your comment and the book recommendation. Love it with the horses – my mum and I have always ridden together and she had me on a pony before I was walking! X
Sophie, I’m sitting here trying to keep my very grumpy 11 month old asleep for a bit longer while reading your post – and omg did it bring back some memories! I wanted to “get going” with trying for kids as soon as we got married and it didn’t take us very long to conceive – but the short time it did take us was so horrendous and stressful!
I had all these ideas to go into it totally zen and cool but that lasted about a day before I was buying thermometers and ovulation sticks. I think the main problem is, like you say, no one TALKS about this stuff! So you assume that everyone just skips along, falling pregnant without even trying but exactly when they want to – and it’s just you worrying about it. Of course this isn’t true and I’ve actually tried to be a more open with people about it for this reason. I’m firmly of the belief that educating yourself about your body and understanding how and when you ovulate in order to increase your chance is absolutely the right thing to do. If you’re worried about the process, you will worry whether you know what’s happening or not – so the argument that these things make women “obsess” is nonsense to me. Also, don’t beat yourself up about it if you do feel like it’s taking over a little bit: having kids is a huge deal and it’s scary and difficult. It’s ok to feel very emotional about it. In fact: everything that you’re feeling is ok if you’re feeling it – because you’re human and you’re allowed to feel what you want!
My main advice would be to ignore everyone who says you shouldn’t worry. If you want to then educate yourself as much as you can – use the ovulation sticks, trqck your temperature and understand how your body work (note that I said “if you want to” – it’s perfectly alright if you don’t but I mention this because it still seems a bit taboo to do these things). I found that really useful because I was actually doing something to help the situation and, also, it was useful to know I was ovulating etc.
Everything you’re feeling is so normal and there are millions of women right now feeling the same way. Thank you for being the one brace enough to talk about it!
Thank you Kate! Totally agree about people just getting pregnant without ever thinking about it/having problems, and all because we don’t talk. And you’re right about the worrying if you need/want to, again, we’re all human x
Word for word this is exactly how I felt when coming off the pill. After the first month and getting my period I was Googling local fertility clinics – fully bonkers, and I knew it was silly hence I didn’t mention it to the hubby which I think made me even worse as he (or any rational person I could have spoke to) would have given me a much needed reality check.
I bit the bullet one month and went for the ClearBlue digital sticks and it just so happened that was the month we were lucky enough to get pregnant – I’m not saying it was all a result of the (eye wateringly expensive) sticks but they were much less ambiguous than the non-digital ones. Also, putting aside the cost of trying to make a baby, WHY does all packaging come adorned in images of gorgeous little babies??? That really got on my wick! Good luck hun, try and enjoy the journey! xXx
Rachel I’m seriously considering buying shares in ClearBlue, SO EXPENSIVE. And talk about a captured market and preying on the vulnerabilities of emotional, slightly cray cray, women. I may bite the bullet and buy those digital ones x
I embraced my inner control freak from the start & we used the clear blue advanced monitor – I think the initial outlay for the monitor is more but the sticks are (slightly) cheaper, and you can use the monitor again. I found it useful, it literally spelt it out. Also, the “Clue” app is good – straightforward & not pink / covered in babies!!
I stayed away from temping & cervical mucas (ick) or you’ll drive yourself mad!!
A lot of people say stay away from forum, but I found a couple of the Mumsnet boards quite useful – as you say, it’s not something you really talk about in real life & it’s nice to vent / know you’re not alone!!
Currently 14+6 – the anxiety doesn’t go away, it just changes focus!!
What you have said, and all the comments, rings so many bells with me . My husband has been keen to have children for some time now but I never felt it was quite the right time – first year in new house, renovating etc. However at the beginning of last year I thought it would probably be right to start trying at the end of the year. I came off the pill in February last year as heard that it takes a while for the pill to come out of your system.
We decided to start trying in December and I warned the husband that this could take months if not years to conceive and all the ‘what ifs’ came flooding in but 4 weeks later I was looking at a positive pregnancy test – I was floored and the panic set in. All the worries you have mentioned ran through my head – even the ugly baby thoughts and Ellie your comment about the child killer made me laugh as I also asked my husband about that recently- he looked at me like I’m mad! I think its really reassuring from reading the other comments on here that what we are feeling is normal. I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your journey. x
Yay congratulations Carly!! Wishing you lots of luck for your pregnancy x
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us Sophie, it brings back so many memories for me. It took 10 months, and two early miscarriages, for us to have Molly and at the time I thought it was forever but I now know it was nothing really. Due to the miscarriages we had various Doctors appointments but they very much told us to just wait and give it a year. This seemed like they were telling us to wait a lifetime but I now know why they did. I tried the whole, I’m not going to get obsessed thing but suddenly it takes over your life. My Doctor friends advice was have sex every 48 hours without fail. Especially the weeks around your ovulation. As others have said you never know exactly when you are ovulating and it could be later than you thought. I never thought I’d say it but the hubby actually got fed up!! I don’t know if it was coincidence but the month I actually got pregnant with Molly was the first month I did an ovulation kit and I’m so glad I did. It was a very stressful time as not only was I trying to get pregnant I was also dealing with the miscarriages but you do come out the other side. So when Alice appeared a lot sooner than planned, although I was scared about two under two, I was always grateful that I didn’t have to go through all that again. Good luck and fingers crossed for baby soon. xxx
Thank you Lottie; for both your comment and for publishing this post. I hope to be the same and looking back in 10 years time thinking ‘oh what was the worry all about’ whilst I’m clearing up after our children! X
Like many others commenting, I was exactly the same.I had all the same thoughts. I worked out my likely ovulation period each month and tracked our attempts on my phone. I had a list of my friends and when they had got pregnant (first month, second month, before even trying…) and compared myself to them (DO NOT DO THIS, IT IS HORRENDOUS AND YOU GAIN NOTHING!). I was SO disappointed on the second month when my period arrived. It was so much worse than the first month as I had all the thoughts of “what if it takes years, or worse, what if this never happens…” etc.
I feel a bit of a fraud writing this as I got pregnant in the third month of trying, which I know is still super quick on average (although it was on holiday while drinking wine and eating cured meats and rare steak and thinking “f**k it”). However I was so surprised with myself for how much it took over my life and thoughts, especially as we’d just decided to start trying in case it took longer than we’d thought, so it should have been a fairly relaxed thing! But I didn’t want to talk to anyone about it as, like you say, I didn’t want anyone to have that kind of insight into my personal life. I also didn’t want my boyfriend to know how batshit crazy I had sent myself!!
I tell myself it’s more likely to have such thoughts the more intelligent you are 😉
Katie – a list of friends, that sounds like a punishment waiting to happen but also the kinda crazy thing I am probably doing in my head!! Also why is it that you can admit how mental you are about stuff to total strangers but not to your partners/friends?!! X
Hi Sophie – I’m the same! We made the decision late last year to start trying so are also 4 months in, and as most people do i reckon, assumed it would happen straight away. Cue the disappointment every month when mother nature comes a callin’ and the symptom spotting in that dreaded two week wait.
I unfortunately got into the ovulation sticks quite early on and have now had to stop cos the obsession got so bad – ‘But we’re doing everything right… why am i failing?’. I think it’s more than natural to start panicking, and it helps that I’ve got a friend who is also trying and we can pick each other back up when our periods come. I do hope we don’t have to go as far as IVF – but seeing promising stories on them, if that’s what happens, we’ll try as hard as we can. Our schedules also don’t make it easy to ‘get it on ALL the time’, but it’s just got to be kept as fun – keep the pressure off. I do find it’s more annoying that I was quite open with people and they constantly told me ‘just relax and it’ll happen’. If it was quite that easy then people wouldn’t need the extra treatment.
We started trying the relaxed approach last month and do hope that it’ll be a holiday baby this month! Fingers crossed for all of us it’ll happen soon, but I’m not going to majorly start panicking until after the 6 month mark as I know plenty who now have opened up to me and said it was a ‘while’ for them too and that was when they started getting lucky. None the less, i’m very much looking forward to knowing i can drink all the mini wine bottles on my long haul flight to Australia tomorrow, and eat my medium-rare steak and all the cider and wine and have an amazing holiday…. just glad our ‘fertile’ week seems to be when we have the hotels booked! 😀
Good luck & enjoy 😉
Yes Jenny, hotel ??? all the way!! Fingers crossed for you!! X
Hi Sarah,
I also went through the slightly ‘mental’ stage when trying for our baby. We agreed slightly drunk after my godsons christening that yep we definitely wanted one ourselves, promptly stopped the pill (when it finished) and sort of carried on as normal as it were. Well as normal as you can when one of you (me) is working away Monday to Friday (leaving the house at 5am on a Monday getting home at 6/7pm on a Friday after doing 10 -12 hour days, I got a Chanel handbag out of those ridiculous hours mind) for pretty much the entire time.
I remember being so annoyed when I got my period (despite the fact we only a really had a 2 day window to have sex!) but also worrying about being in an insecure job (I was on a short term contract) with no maternity benefits at all.
I did get a new job in March 2015 and found out the week I started that job I was pregnant. So yeah, still no maternity benefits as I wouldn’t have been employed long enough by my due date to qualify for statutory maternity (I went straight on to Maternity Allowance at about £500 a month from a reasonable fulltime salary!).
We’ve now decided to try for another (again very non committal but a definite agreement! I’m sure we both act ‘casual’ so we don’t get disappointed!) and I can already sense the worries and random jealousy creeping in! Along with excitement. I have no idea how we will cope with 2, how I will fit in work (they have been brilliant, I work 3 days a week and they didn’t go mental when a month into my new role I told them I was pregnant and due to go on maternity leave 6 months after starting at the company!), what we will do if they are ill, pay for 2 nursery places, go on holidays, fit in visiting relatives when we have no spare room, where to dry washing that can’t be tumbled if the spare room is a nursery, .. the list of worries and random stuff is endless along with worrying , what if we can’t have another, what if they are sick, what if the toddler hates the new baby (I’m not even pregnant we only officially decided at the weekend!) it never ends.
I think what I may be trying to say Sarah is, yep totally get where you’re coming from and it appears second time round its almost as bad if not worse (well for me)!
Hey Vicky, I can understand your fears about juggling two and I guess the only reassurance is look at how many who do it and manage, therefore it’s got to be possible? Hasn’t it?! X
Hi Sophie! I definitely well through allllllll of this and it really, really was a tough time. I think it’s brilliant that you shared this and I would have loved to read it while I was going through the same. Despite knowing that it doesn’t always work that way, we waited for everything (wedding, jobs, house, a few flash holidays) to be sorted before we starting trying and after all those years of very much trying to avoid getting pregnant I totally assumed it would happen the first month. It didn’t. I found it stressful, lonely and all consuming. Every month I’d think “the baby will be due in *whichever month*” and mentally plan my whole year around it, so it was pretty crushing when my period would then turn up bang on time and I’d feel like a complete failure. I now can’t believe I was so cruel to myself! I used the clear blue super expensive digital sticks (more money more likely to work? As if!!!) and as someone said above immediately regretted stumbling on those forums online. They were really not helpful for me and just added to the crazy! I did get pregnant after 9 or 10 months of this tracking and peeing on sticks stress, but sadly had a miscarriage. We then had a complete break from trying, did nice things, drank lots of wine (whoops!) and enjoyed getting some erm…action…without the ovulation stick pressure and we got pregnant the very first month! Now looking forward to meeting our little one in a couple of months! So it worked for us both the stressy way and the non-stressy way! I wouldn’t say to “just relax and it’ll happen” though as many people did say to me, as that just wasn’t a realistic option for me the first time. I’ve been much more honest with people since getting pregnant about how hard I found it, I probably should have been more open at the time. Wishing you all the best and hope that it happens for you soon xxxx
Yay congratulations Jess! Thanks for sharing and making me realise I’m not alone x
I clearly meant Sophie, I am so sorry./ evidently bossing this working and parenting and being control/organised thing!
Hi Sophie! As I read your post, I’m sat here 25 weeks pregnant and nodded along to EVERYTHING you said, it’s almost like I had written it myself!!! The emotional roller coaster of trying for a baby, I’ve never been a particularly broody person, never ‘desperate’ for a baby & my husband & I both agreed if we weren’t able to have children, we would add more dogs to our already family of two sausage dogs & have lots of nice holidays.
However, once I had finished that last pill in the packet, it just wasn’t a simple as that. Every time my period came I was left feeling SO disappointed. I saw pregnant women & babies EVERYWHERE and seemed everyone I knew & even celeb’s were getting pregnant. It went from casual trying to really wanting it, a feeling I thought I would never experience.
It all came to head at my husbands cousins wedding where they announced in the speech that they were pregnant. I felt so angry at myself at feeling jealous & hard done by, emotions I don’t normally have – we had been married longer, we were older, we were in a more secure financial position – it just all felt so unfair. I sat there at a table with a load of people I didn’t know and tried not to cry, drying my eyes & brushing it off as ‘happy tears’.
Whats ironic? I tried to forget about babies for one day, drank gin & danced the night away and do you know what happened? I conceived that night!!! People always say it happens when you least expect it, something I never believed in but it worked for us.
You are not alone, there are so many women bottling this up and I think this is a great place to share, thank you RMF x
Thank you Jenna, isn’t it strange how things work out? I’m so pleased to hear it did for you. That jealousy is a horrible thing isn’t it? X
Ah Sophie you have hit the nail on the head with this post!
I tried not to be obsessive about the whole thing when we decided to start trying, but the Googling/fretting,/ovulation test buying kicked in very soon and I found myself weeing and testing in the ‘wee ramekin’ secretly, so my husband didn’t think I had gone totally nuts…!
We were very lucky and had I was pregnant quite quickly, (without paying much attention to the ovulation tests…..I was a bit hit and miss with them to be honest!) Our little girl is two now and we have recently had the discussion about trying for baby number 2 and I have already bought lots of ovulation tests/pregnancy tests from Amazon like a crazy person, secretly weeing and testing….!
Its like a switch in your head, when you decide to try, you just want to be pregnant the next day….there doesn’t seem to be any middle ground!
I love all the comments on this post too….. its something that nobody really talks about, but clear a huge percentage of people feel exactly the same -Fab post!
Thanks Jane! I think it’s because – like I said in the post – there’s no grey area. Spend all this time trying not to get pregnant – and believing the minute you have unprotected sec you WILL get pregnant- to suddenly wanting it NOW. Also secret weeing and testing ?? x
Hello, I’ve come over from RMS as Charlotte mentioned a post on here today. A year ago my husband and I decided to “try” for a baby. I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome so I knew I might have difficulties conceiving so after MUCH deliberation we thought it was better to come off the pill sooner rather that later and see what happened. I wasn’t really ready for children and always envisaged having them later, however, that first month something came over me and I became obsessed. Going from not feeling ready to being desperate for children surprised me. I feel like once us ladies make the decision something switches in us!! We’re seeking help now and hoping it happens soon
Hi Sarah – totally agree, just want it NOW. The lack of control is the frustrating thing. Everything crossed for you x
Sophie, thank you SO much for writing this. We’re not even technically trying yet and I’m already feeling all of these emotions, which sounds so silly when I really don’t know how it feels yet. Like you, we’re recently married after being together a long time so we’re getting the ‘Thought about children yet?’ questions a lot. I came off the pill straight after honeymoon because my husband knows how much of a worrier I am and thought it would be good to do that sooner rather than later. For now, we’re using other protection. We both desperately want to get started but we need to move first and I’m finding myself getting impatient. I also feel a bit in ‘limbo land’ – I had to make up some excuse as to why I can’t go on a road trip to a country with Zika later this year, which seems ridiculous because we’re not even trying yet, but who knows what will happen later this year, and it seems a bit ridiculous to be already saying ‘no’ to things. I stumbled across some forums a few weeks ago and felt baffled – it’s like another language and I feel a bit lost. I like to be organised so I feel like I’m behind the curve! But I also know that waving sticks and thermometers around is probably going to kill the vibe that is needed to conceive said baby. I’m going to take heed of the comments above and stay off them. For now, I’m going to take practical steps such as up my exercise (so I’ll be in a better position to continue with exercise if we get lucky enough), and try are clean up my diet a bit. Are you taking supplements? I’ve got some folic acid as I read you need to start taking that 12 weeks before, but is there anything else you would recommend? Sorry for the very long comment, thanks so much for sharing. X
Hi Sian, thanks so much for your comment. Several things in no particular order; I have been taking folic acid for about 7 months, in zika, I hear you, we went to Mexico on our honeymoon and on our GPs advice to be 100% safe we waited 6 months to try (though the recommended 95% ok is just 30 days I think) and so it seems unfair (is that even the right word?) to have done everything ‘properly’ and not conceive immediately. I get what you mean about being in limbo land, our approach to this has been to just not factor pregnancy into future plans (short term) so we aren’t disappointed/feel ‘oh god why didn’t we just commit to that trip/thing etc’. Xxx
Like everyone else that has commented, I can so relate to this to! (I even did a post on it on here a while back!) It took us about a year to fall pregnant but it felt like 10 years at the time! Every month that went by was just horrible, the anticipation and hope only for that crushing disappointment when your period turns up. It seems so many of us have experienced that feeling.
I also remember how frustrating it can be when people (especially those who are pregnant) try to give you advice. I wanted to scream at everyone who told me to ‘just relax and it will happen’ but in all honestly that is exactly what worked for me. How you get to that state of relaxing about it will be different for everyone. For me it was to stop putting my life on hold – I’d given up drinking and had refused to book any holidays or trips, thinking that I would soon be pregnant but a few months down the line when I still wasn’t, I just felt like I was missing out on life. I also think having something else to focus on does you good. I took up running and for a while that became the focus of my thoughts, which I definitely think helped.
I just know it will happen for you eventually and I look forward to seeing a post from you to share the good news with us all! Wishing you lots of luck xxx
Thanks so much Kate x
Everything you have written down is exactly how I feel. My husband and I have been married three years this year and back in November 2016 we decided to stop using the pill and see what happens. I always said I would never get obsessive about it but alas, 4 months on and no pregnancy has meant I google every symptom possibly linked to pregnancy/implantation. I have tried the ovulation sticks and we both now take multivitamins aimed at pregnancy and this month I have told myself to not go onto forums because I felt a twinge above my ovary etc. It is so hard not to get obsessive, especially with people around you getting pregnant. I totally get the jealous thing and feel so guilty when I have feelings like this. I always thought getting pregnant would happen instantly but perhaps I am trying too hard. Fingers crossed for everyone in the same boat xx
Everything crossed for you Emma. Hopefully you know you aren’t alone (as all these comments have shown). Here’s hoping it’s our time soon x
So normal – everything you say!
We spend so many years trying not to get pregnant then when we click our fingers we want / expect it just to happen like that. It doesn’t, not always.
It took 16 months for us to conceive first time around – I was worried and stressed and a lot of work stress plus a minor op during that time it was no wonder I didn’t. I obsessed about those sticks and they really kill the mood!
Second time around I thought I had a bug, felt so rough and although we hadn’t been careful we most definitely hadn’t actively “tried” but if it happened it was good. I’ve never been so scared to get a positive test!!!
What I’m trying to say is you just can’t plan babies – any aspect of making and having them. outside factors do make a difference and the harder you try to relax the worse it is! Also those oh so helpful comments from people “don’t you want children?” “are you planning on kids?” “When is it your turn?” Argh!
Good luck and don’t beat yourself up for all those totally natural and normal feelings. Try & enjoy yourself too ?
Thanks Emma! You’re totally right. *mustn’t overplan
Thanks so much for writing this, Sophie. Apologies for the mammoth comment! I am now almost 19 weeks pregnant, so not home and dry yet but we were very lucky to conceive not long after I came off the pill. I will say I did a bit of prep before I came off the pill in terms of taking vitamins (apparently vit B complex helps to regulate your hormones and building up your levels also helps to reduce morning sickness once you are pregnant…not sure how true it is but I tried it anyway!) and I went onto probiotics as well.
I did the same as you in that I bought the ovulation sticks, the thermometer, the pregnancy test, and then put them in a drawer and promised myself the first two wouldn’t come out until we had been trying for 6 months, and the pregnancy test not until I was SURE I was pregnant, to avoid heartbreaking negatives every month. In the end I stayed strong on not using the ov. kit or the thermometer, but what I DID do (and fair warning, this is definitely TMI!) which helped no end was carefully watch my cervical mucus. I know it seems disgusting but it is a really good sign of when you ovulate, and it will give you a head’s up that your fertile days are on their way, whereas I **think** ovulation sticks won’t tell you until afterwards (that could be very wrong). I think it takes one month of careful watching (and some disgusting google image searches!) to really figure out what’s going on but then it is an easy, natural and free way of seeing what’s going on in your cycle.
One other tip I would give is to find other things to focus on – I had made a list of dream trips we would go on in the year we would be trying, which would take the sting out of not having conceived at that point, if that makes any sense?! For instance, a springtime trip to New York, a summertime holiday to Italy etc. I know those things are technically possible once you’re pregnant but in reality a July trip to Sorrento is no longer really on the cards for me. Also doing things at home e.g. tackling big projects if you have any like garden redesigns, kitchens, extensions etc are all amazing for keeping your mind on other things, and are all good prep as then you don’t have to do it when pregnant!
Oops posted before I was finished…finally, good luck, keep going and do keep sharing as much as possible, I know it can seem isolating but you’ve been so brave (and helpful to so many others) posting on here and we are all wishing you the best of luck
Thank you so much India and thank you for sharing all your advice x
I haven’t read all the comments so not sure if anyone has said similar, however having taken 4 years to become pregnant (with eventually IVF), I do understand the ‘jealousy’ feelings of people around you getting pregnant. However as we don’t really talk about it, then I think a lot of friends seem to get pregnant really quickly, but in reality some of them will have been trying for longer or have it completely take over their lives just as you describe. We just don’t talk about that, especially when you do become pregnant, no one asks how long have you been trying? They just ask other innapropriate questions at other times! We didn’t tell anyone we were trying, until after a year and one of our friends told us they had been trying with no luck for a year and then eventually both found ourselves in the same positions of needing assisted pregnancy. Anyway, my hubby reminded me of this all throughout us trying that you don’t know of other people’s struggles, whether that be the length of time it’s taken them, or that happened a bit too quickly which could also bring up its own issues! Good luck X
You, and your husband, are so right Claire. Thanks so much x
Hi Sophie, this is so good to read and see what other people are going through because, like you say, you can’t talk about these things! My husband and I are in the first month of trying – almost at the end of the two week wait and I can barely think of anything else! I’m such a planner that I bought ovulation sticks straight away so used them and I think we should have a good chance. I’ll find out in 4 days when my period is due to arrive. This is gonna make me sound even more crazy but I’ve found myself doing pregnancy tests the last couple of morning even though I *know* I’m unlikely to get a positive result (if I am pregnant) until the day I actually miss my period. I guess I just want this so much and that is sending me a bit batshit crazy/obsessive – and I’m only in month one!
As I said at the start I think talking to someone might ease my worries. Reading these comments today has certainly made me feel less alone! I’m wondering if there’s anyone out there who told people they were TTC? And when they got pregnant who did they tell and when? I’m going between telling no one until after the first trimester to wanting to tell my mum and chat about what she went through for reassurance. But then I would have to tell the inlaws… argh!!
Sorry for such a ramble! I guess this is me letting it all out haha! Lots more content on this topic would be lovely xxx
Thought I would share my experience at 19 weeks pregnant – we didn’t tell anyone apart from my sister and one friend that we were trying, mainly because we had been married for 18 months and together for 12 years so people were already starting to ask when babies would be on the way and we kind of didn’t want any added pressure! Once we found out we were pregnant we didn’t tell anyone other than my sister and later my gym buddy and waited until after the 12 week scan to share with others. In the meantime (around week 10) we ended up both having to tell our bosses at work for various reasons, but apart from that we managed to keep it quiet and do a big reveal for families which was amazing. Good luck! xx
Aw thank you for taking the time to reply India! Do you think having one or two confidants made it a wee bit easier? A big reveal sounds wonderful! How did you do it? xxx
We told our parents & siblings about 8-10 weeks but noone else. Two reasons, 1 being hard to hide it from them and also if something happened then you at least have some people who can support you.
Hi Maxine, I hear you on all of your feelings! My parents know we are trying, as do my best friends, but we haven’t talked about it with anyone else, or even with those that know. Also because you’re essentially just letting people know how much sex you’re having which others don’t seem to be that interested in!! haha x
That’s a good idea Victoria! I feel the same way about having people to support you.
So right about basically sharing your sex life Sophie haha! We haven’t told anyone we’re trying for that reason. Already feel embarrassed about telling people I’m pregnant as you’re basically exclaiming to the world “I’ve had sex!” Ridiculous, I know haha.
I did a two tests this morning and both had very faint positives! 😀 Still a couple of days before I’m due but I’m so excited. Will keep testing to confirm.
I’m now toying with the idea of telling the mums on Mother’s Day which I think would be lovely. Although I’d only be about 5 weeks. And would have to trust them to keep their mouths shut for another 7 weeks… which I’m not so sure about haha! I’ll go back and forth a hundred times before I eventually make a decision.
Thanks for the advice ladies! xxx
Hi Sophie, I’ve been here too! I enjoyed my 20’s, got married at 32 & thought I had loads of time to have a baby before 35 (in my plan I’d have at least one by then). We kept putting it off & had some issues to deal with (with my husband’s work & then him starting a business), until I had the talk with him to make him realise that, you know, I’m not getting any younger & if we wait until we’re 100% financially secure we’ll never do it. So a month after I turned 34 my pill packet ran out & we were officially not trying not to get pregnant. My cycle never returned, so it was clear after just a few months that it wasn’t going to happen. The day I went to see the Dr, & was absolutely devastated, & convinced myself I was never going to have children, was the day we both finally realised how much we wanted a child (& found out how many macaroons I can eat in a single sitting).
It took another year & lots of probing & tests & drugs, but I did get pregnant, & he’s due 2 weeks before I turn 36…better late than never!
I wish you all the best of luck.
Emily I’m so pleased for you and you only have 2 weeks to wait until you meet your bundle, how exciting. You’re totally right, there is never the perfect time, you always could have a bit more money, be a bit further on with house renovations etc etc. x
Hi Sophie,
This is my first venture onto the RMF blog, but your post totally struck a chord with my situation…
I’m also edging towards 30 and always told myself I would have kids by the time I’m ‘that old’, I too haven’t adjusted my life plan since I was young and silly!
Although we aren’t at the stage of ditching the contraception yet, I’m currently in a job that I quite frankly hate, and need to find not only a new job but a whole new career that suits me better too. Yeah, no pressure! Not only am I frantically job hunting to save my sanity, I’ve also got the younger care free version of myself in my ear saying all this needs to happen before I hit the big 30, factor in generally needing to be in a position for 12 months to reap the maternity benefits and I guess not look like you took a certain job for the maternity support, I’m pretty stressed. I know it’s ridiculously irrational but my god, I can’t shake it.
I don’t really have any words of wisdom, but I hear you, I feel your frustration, and wish I could punch the younger version of myself. I suppose it’s a comment on the ideals imposed on us from a young age by the wider society , a woman’s body clock is constantly ticking away in the background
Hang on in there, I hope it all falls into place for you both soon xx
Thanks so much Ellie. I don’t know if I have any advice on the work situation other than my own experience which is, I wish I had moved when I started to consider it 14 months ago, rather than now feeling a bit trapped. I hate that as a woman these are the decisions you’re forced to make! But then I look back to 14 months ago and within 3 months we bought a house, moved, had our wedding and my husband started a new job, so at that point it really was a sensible decision for us to not change yet another thing with me moving (stress levels were already a bit high!). But then stress can be a major barrier to getting pregnant so if you hate your job and it’s making you unhappy, then that ultimately won’t help your conception (when the time comes). If you’re doing all you can to find a new job then you can’t do anymore than that. Fingers crossed something jumps in front of you ASAP. xx
This is a really interesting post as my husband and I have agreed we will start trying for a family in two years. It seems a long way away and we are treating the next couple of years as a chance to get the house done properly and have some sort of amazing holiday that we won’t be able to have for a long time if we’re lucky enough to have kiddies. Thinking about when the time comes to start trying feels very secretive and I am a bit worried that it might feel a bit lonely and disappointing if it doesn’t happen quickly. Fingers crossed it won’t be too long before you have good news x
Thanks Claire and good luck to you when the time comes too. Maybe you can take some of the practical advice that’s been given above (particularly on supplments and nutrition) so that when you’re ready you can be in the best possible position to get going. x
I find this very interesting, as we just married and we’re fully enjoying the last months on the pill 🙂 In the meantime, I’ve been suddenly realising that this is it: once I fall pregnant everything will change, but what if that doesn’t work out? What if I can’t fall pregnant? What if I hate the baby? What if I get a post-natal depression (some friends had/have this and they’re so strong)? Will we be able to pay for everything? Not just having baby, but having baby AND going on a holiday AND getting baby into suitable places while I go back to work AND going back to work fulltime?
My head is just going mad. Not slowly, rather quickly. It’s nice to see I’m not the only one 🙂
Oh Camille, why do we do this to ourselves! x
Sophie, thank you SO much for this post! I wish pregnancy was easier to predict. I’m 31 (nearly 32), my partner is 36 and after 8 years together we’re ready to start trying. But I work in the wedding industry (as a photographer) so am really struggling with timings – there just is no right time to start a family when you run your own business! I book weddings up to 18 months in advance and am terrified about having to let people down if I do become pregnant. But at the same time, I can’t exactly let potential clients know that we’re trying as, despite it being totally personal information, it could take a year or more and have no impact on their day anyway. As much as I want this for myself, the dread and fear of people reacting really badly when I tell them I can no longer do their wedding is delaying us and taking the fun away from the whole thing! I wish I could care a little less about my business and just go for it but I can’t. I work crazy hours throughout the year for my brides so during pregnancy and early motherhood I would really love to take a proper maternity break and distance myself from the business… actually enjoy this time of my life like a normal person! But I worry that I’ll be so eager not to let people down I’ll end up working too far into the pregnancy, going back to work too soon and generally stressing myself out. It doesn’t help that I totally know when I’m ovulating and keep seeing another opportunity pass us by!
Hi Ella, this is so hard and I get what you mean. I am about to start rolling out a new business plan at work and that is very on me, so I worry about letting everyone down when/if I fall pregnant. I guess the only thing I can say to be reassuring is that if my wedding photographer had to cancel due to pregnancy, I would be sad because we loved their work (and booked them for a reason) but also be happy for them and ask for recommendations. You would be giving people a lot of notice and I really am sure they’d understand particularly if you could offer alternatives of a similar style to you. Good luck to you xx
Thank you so much for talking about this, I can’t offer any advice but know exactly how your feeling. I have PCOS have been off the pill nearly a year and haven’t had a period for 10 months. I try to be as chilled as possible about this, but inside I am completely neurotic. This week I visited the dr and told him the medication i should be given to bring on a period, after seeing it recommended on Google (cringe) I am now just trying to focus on a healthy diet and to plan lots of things to take my mind off the whole thing, whilst awaiting blood test results and my referral. I have also been insanely jealous at friend pregnancy announcements, even worse when they tell you it wasn’t planned, I have the whole happy poker face off to a tee. It’s nice to feel like your not alone in this crazy journey so thank you again, and good luck 🙂
Best of luck to you Laura, everything crossed. x
Thanks for sharing your experiences Sophie, I feel like until you’re ready to have a baby you have no idea how difficult it can be and how lonely it might make you feel – so thank you for writing this post and making me feel like I’m not! xx
Every time I get my period I feel like giving up and I spend the whole week and first part of my cycle believing it’s never going to happen for us. Which I know is so negative, but I can’t help it. I spend the whole second half obsessing over ‘symptoms’ and believing that ‘this is it’ that when I actually get my period, I feel like I’ve lost something and that my baby is gone, which sounds crazy I know.
We’ve been trying for two years and I was totally naive when we started trying – I assumed it was going to happen straight away, I even turned down friend’s hen dos abroad and other social plans for later in the year believing I’d be ‘ready to pop’ by then and there was no way I’d be able to go. My best friend also got married that year and we were planning my bump bridesmaid dress for weeks after we’d decided it was baby time. Fast forward two years and we’ve not had one positive. I’ve had hormone tests, ultra sounds, my husband’s had tests and everything has come back normal (which is obviously good news but in a way I was disappointed and hoped for a quick fix!) – we’ve now been referred for further investigations with a fertility specialist. I’m trying to stay positive – I’ve always wanted kids, I have such an amazing relationship with my parents and I really want that with my children. The life plan (since I was about 11 too!) has been to have one baby before I’m 30 and now this is the last month that we could conceive for that to happen. I know I’m putting too much pressure on myself and people keep telling me to relax but it’s so much easier said then done. Some people are saying we’re young too but I’m glad we started trying this early, at least now we can figure out if there’s real issues and start saving for IVF or even mentally preparing ourselves for adoption. See how crazy I am? Always getting ahead of myself.
I recently asked my husband if he could be granted 3 wishes, what would he wish for? NB this was totally unrelated to baby stuff. At first he couldn’t think of anything, which I was totally not having – how ridiculous! He’s an ambitious guy and the world’s our oyster but after some pushing he said that really he’s so happy and content with his life and that all he wants is a baby and a dog and that’s it <3 I am so thankful for him every day, he will be the best dad. He has been so supportive, kind and understanding throughout this journey so far. This baby, however it comes to us, will be born out of so much love and that’s all we can really ask for.
p.s. my advice is to not change any plans in the event of what 'might' happen, just keep doing everything as normal. I regret missing out on things because of what might have been x
Hi Sophie,
I totally get what you say about not talking to friends or family. My husband and I have been married for two years (together for 8) and like you we wanted to wait until we were married. We’ve been trying for two years with still no luck, and we grew tired of the people most close to us asking when we were going to have a baby (mainly the oldies and the youngsters who still have their 11 yr old girl life plans like us). In the end we gave in and told them we were trying as we thought they would leave us alone. Sadly I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis so it’s going to be a bumpy journey ahead. I am glad people know though, as they can be more sensitive rather than show me there baby outfit purchases and continually ask me. Because for now, if there’s no baby they know there’s a reason. Good luck in your journey. X
Hi Sophie
Thank you so much for posting, like many who have commented I completely understand where you are with this. My husband and I started trying a year after we got married and even though nothing in our lives is ever straight forwards I thought that it would happen quite quickly and we would have a June baby the following year. 4 months passed and I was still not pregnant, we started using ovulation sticks (the expensive clear blue ones (a little cheaper from amazon)), and still every month my period arrived. I went through a really ‘sad’ stage, I would cry at every birth announcement and most days driving to and from work (thinking time). We didn’t talk to anyone cos you don’t do you, it’s just not something you talk about. Our parents found out when we were having lunch one day and my mum announced that my sister was pregnant with her second. Don’t get me wrong I was super happy for her but sad for me (I prefer sad to jealous as it’s not quite jealousy). We continued trying and a year went by so we went to the doctors who sent us for tests, all came back ok and they referred us to the fertility clinic, the appointment is next month. I was reading online forums and thinking about my health, we are both healthy don’t smoke, I am a light drinker so nothing to worry about but my periods (although regular), have been quite light since coming off the pill. I did some reading (online forums) and was concerned about it. The doctors tests never asked me about my flow (apologies if too much information). I was on the pill for about 16 years and lost 4 stone in 6 months the year before we started trying which I read could mean low progesterone. I looked at ways to fix this and came across acupuncture. I found a local practitioner and made an appointment. This was January (new year, let’s give something new a try). I had 5 treatments (1 a week) before becoming pregnant. I’m 7 weeks now and there are some complications (bleeding) but I as I mentioned earlier things are never easy! The thing I wanted to say was that acupuncture has helped me to get pregnant after 18 months trying. I really don’t think that we would be pregnant if it wasn’t for that. I know that it’s really early days so I’m trying to be positive but realistic. We have a scan next Thursday so will see what’s what then. It’s been a long journey and I now know that we can get pregnant and that it will happen! I hope that your journey is easier but do give yourself a break, it’s not easy creating life! Good luck! X x
These feelings are all definitely normal and mirror mine. It’s so refreshing to hear someone voicing the thoughts that go through my mind especially when none of my friends seemed to have had any trouble conceiving, I’m actually one of the last of my group to have a baby, they’re all on child two and three!!! My husband and I have been married for two and a half years, he wanted babies as soon as we met but I wasn’t ready. Last February I came off the pill and naively thought it would happen within a few months however a year later and I’m now tracking my temperature and breaking the bank with ovulation tests, which actually have been worth their weight as I too discovered I actually ovulate quite late on in my cycle. I’m actually 35 so we’re giving it two more months and heading to the docs to check all is ok. I never wanted to be one of those intense women who got all hung up on TTC, ovulation, my temperature and so on but when it feels like time is against you all you can think is why isn’t this happening for me! Good luck with your exciting journey, in sure it will happen for you soon and that you won’t need to worry about having an ugly baby! ?
I can’t even tell you how good it is to see a post about trying for a baby. It’s one of those things that I think unless you know friends that have struggled to get pregnant, have miscarriages, ivf etc, then you could naively think it’ll happen straight away. Me & my husband been trying for nearly 11 months and still nothing. To hear someone talk about that disappointment when your period comes is reassuring. Although the excitement and joy for friends when they get pregnant is obviously there, it can be hard when all you want is to have that growing bump yourself & you feel a pang of sadness when you hear that someone else is pregnant. It’s so great to hear this part of it, the start of such a massive journey. I’m with you Sophie!
I am so glad it’s not just me who feels this way! My husband and I have been trying for 4 months and no luck. I have a couple of friends who have just had babies and they got pregnant straight away – I assumed this would be the case for me too! I just find the whole thing really frustrating – if someone told me that I would definitely get pregnant within a year then I’d be fine but it’s the uncertainty that’s driving me mad!
When I got my period a month ago I was distraught. We’d kept putting things on hold because we thought I’d be pregnant by now so I was like ‘f**k it’ and we’ve booked a weekend in New York! Because why not?!
TMI time but this month I’ve had a little bit of spotting and some minor cramps but no period yet (a couple of days late…). I’ve done 2 tests and both have been resounding negatives. I know it may be too early but I also just can’t believe I might be. I don’t want to get my hopes up even more than normal just for them to be shattered. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see. Again!
Thank you Sophie for posting your story. I really believe that it’s something we all need to talk about for our sanity and to make it less of a taboo.
I can completely relate and I’m so glad someone raised this. I am an information obsessive and Google can both be my best friend and my worst enemy.
My husband and I have also been together 10 years, we married last Summer and at this time I was adamant. No children yet. I am just not ready.
And yet… and yet within a month of getting married my outlook changed completely. This might have something to do with the huge volume of pregnant friends and new mums around me, but I strongly believe it had a lot to do with being married.
We had always said we want children, but not until we are married and have our own home. At 20 odd these seemed such achievable goals. Now not so much. I always thought I would be strong on the ‘not before house’ rule. But I haven’t been. I feel like something has changed in me.
Early this year we decided that despite all our rules we were there. We were in a place to build on our family. We might not have our own home but we live in a beautiful rented cottage and are well on a way to a decent deposit.
And it’s easy to think that once this simple decision is made, everything follows on so easily. Well it doesn’t. Since this point I have consulted Google on pretty much everything. How easy is it to get pregnant at 28, how can I make the road to pregnancy easiest, are we too young, do we have enough money, are we secure.
Doubt has crept in. Will our family disapprove. Will we manage financially. Will we cope emotionally. And after a single month of trying to conceive my Google search history is crammed with question about preganancy symptoms, statistics searching.
Google is now my worst enemy. If this is month one, I hate to image what I might be like later down the line. To compound this both of my older sisters struggled to conceive, only adding to my worry.
And the worst thing is there really isn’t any solid answers. You could be pregnant or it could be pmt. There is koto right or wrong time to have a baby, but you should have this, this and this in place before trying. It could take you 1 month, it could take you more.
For someone like me, who need cold hard facts, trying to conceive is always going to be stressful. I am not a woman who likes to leave things to chance.
So after 10 years or more of desperately trying not to get pregnant, I am now realising that baby making is not simple. At all.
I’m really glad to have found this post. I’m a serial worrier and try to plan as much of my life in advance as possible, so when my husband and I decided a couple of months ago that we would start trying come the summer, I felt settled and prepared for what might come next.
However, I now seem to have gotten into the crazy worry stage before we have even begun trying – who knew that could happen?! I absolutely want children, and I look forward to it so much, but now I wonder… do I really want to be pregnant for that wedding next year? Or have a baby with me for the next one? Does that make me a selfish mum to be, or does that mean i’m not ready? Am I ready to start trying or is there no such thing? I’m one of the first of my friends to be married and none of my close friendship group have children. Because I don’t want to advertise the fact we are hoping to start out family soon, I don’t want to just outright ask the few people I do know with babies how they knew they were ready. I like to think i’m fairly self-aware, and I know that I overthink and panic when things get serious so do I just assume that’s what I’m doing right now, or re-think our current plan? It’s tricky to understand whether it’s because i’d be one of the first of my friends and therefore there would be some serious missing out of friendship based fun things… and whether it’s normal to think that even though you are ready? And because I know how un-straight forward it is for so many women and their partners I don’t want to risk waiting and it being harder and harder to achieve.
Any advice from people who have had these rollercoaster thoughts whilst deciding to start a family would be so great!!
I love reading posts like this because I am in exactly the same boat! We decided last month that I wouldn’t go back on the pill and ever since I had been obsessed! I bought ovulation sticks & pregnancy tests and downloaded an app which I have been updating daily. I just got my period which was actually good news as in previous years I struggled to have a period when I came off my pill but am thinking the fun starts now as from now on a period is going to be bad news! Is comforting to know people are in the same position