Babies need so much paraphernalia. So much. Even a quick dash to the supermarket becomes a mammoth mission and requires military precision packing. So what are the changing bag essentials that you need?
I used to chuck everything in the changing bag and then couldn’t find the things I needed or had forgotten the one thing I deemed essential for that moment in time. A bit of forward planning (or packing) means that you can stock your changing bag ready for any outing.
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Changing Bag – This is a fun purchase. Changing bags have seriously upped their style game since I chose Molly’s. There is even a sort of style hierarchy with brands that rival Mulberry. You need to choose a bag that suits your lifestyle and don’t forget it doesn’t have to be an ‘official’ changing bag. I was always a bit taken with the Storksak’s and this grey version is rather lovely. Make sure you have plenty of pockets and an easy clean interior. You can read about Charlotte’s favourite Laessig changing bag here.
Roll/Fold/Disposable up changing mat – Some sort of changing mat is a must. Many bags come with a mat or you can buy your own. When you are out you want to make sure you have somewhere to place your baby rather than on the floor.
Baby Wipes – Always make sure you have a pack of baby wipes. They are great for everything from nappy changing to cleaning up mucky faces. I found the travel packs handy as they were a bit smaller and lighter.
Nappies – Make sure you have at least 4 nappies with you. As they get older you will need less but as a newborn you could get through a whole pack in the blink of an eye.
Nappy bags – Pack a few nappy bags for disposing of any smellies or just in case there isn’t a bin nearby and you have to keep them in your bag. Believe me, it happens.
Cotton Wool – In the early stages you may choose to use cotton wool and water rather than wipes. Pop some in a little bag for easy storage.
Nappy cream/vaseline – Everyone has their own favourite nappy cream. I had vaseline and also bepanthen in the early months.
Spare vest and baby gro – Or maybe two! More often than not that beautiful outfit you dressed your little one in will be ruined before you make it to your destination.
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Muslin – A changing bag staple.
Bib – If you are bottle feeding or at weaning stage then a little bib is required.
Spare breast pads – For the breast feeding mummas these will be something you get through a lot of.
Formula pods – Great for ensuing you have the next feed ready to go.
Enough bottles for the time you will be out – Work out how many feeds you will need during your time out and probably pack a spare.
Insulated bottle bag – Ideal for a quick trip out when you want to keep the bottle warm until the next feed.
Spare Dummy – If your little one has a dummy we all know what can happen if the dummy goes missing.
Rattle/Toy – Take a favourite toy or comforter out with you for nap times or general soothing/entertainment.
Hand Sanitiser – This little bottle will be used a lot. We always had a few travel sized ones lying around.
Is there anything I have forgotten?

I really like packing the changing bag, something about putting everything in its pockets appeals to me! The changing bag is also my handbag to save carrying 2 bags out so I put my purse, phone and keys in its front zippable pocket. We carry a couple of muslin squares at least as they are so darn handy, and a packet of Milton sterilising wipes. These are so useful for wiping over the change mat once done or any other surfaces that may need a once over whilst out. I also carry a bottle of water for me as I’m breastfeeding and always thirsty. One of my NCT friends folds a nappy, nappy bag and wipes inside the change mat before packing and after each change so you only need to pull out the mat and you’ve got everything you need which I thought was a great idea!
What a fabulous tip on rolling everything in the mat. I love it. Also, I always still carried my handbag too which was so stupid of me! xxx
I prefer a rucksack, the changing bag ideal just wasn’t for me, although friends had beautiful ones! I have a cute rucksack that’s kinda Cath Kidston but with dogs, if that makes sense. The miraculous bit of kit that lets me do this is the Skip Hop changing mat which unfolds and has pockets for nappies wipes and bags- it’s brilliant! So if a changing bag might not be for you you can transform any bag with this beauty.
I am a huge Skiphop fan Lucy. My absolute faves and that mat sounds brilliant. Once the girls were a bit bigger we quickly switched to a skip hop rucksack for all their bits and pieces. I definitely made the switch a lot sooner with Alice as couldn’t be bothered with the big changing bag. xx
Haha, I’ve done exactly the same thing as soon as my free boots changing bag fell apart and only just recently swapped the changing mat for a travel potty. A rucksack was definitely the way to go for me as I found the over the shoulder bag slipping off all the time. I love the look of the Tiba and Marl ones but in the end settled for a black leather one from John Lewis which admittedly is a little bit smaller than I’d like but looks nice.
I decided to pack a little pair of safescissors in case there was an absolute nappy disaster! Thankfully of but I’ve used it for other things when out and about!
On a more fun note, I was given a amazing clutch bag for when I was popping out or didn’t need to drag a big bag with me. It’s by Tiba and Marl. Seriously amazing. Got enough compartments for two nappies, a few wipes and a change of clothes. Looks fun too!
Thankfully not rather than thankfully of! ?
I pack a little plastic sandwich bag with Arnica cream, those little sachets of Calpol, Savlon, plasters, etc. for The World’s Clumsiest Toddler (TM). It’s so tasty 🙂
Oh, did we discuss a change of clothes?! A must for the epic gravity-defying, up-the-back baby poos!
I always pack a spare bra and vest for myself too – in the early days I always got soaked with milk whilst me and my little one got the hang of breast feeding (oh the glamour!) I still carry spares with me now that she’s weaning – it’s even more messy!!
That’s such a good tip Cat….even if you’re not breastfeeding you’re likely to get covered in baby sick or something else while out and about. I always used to forget about a change for myself but it would have saved me a lot of stress.
I always made sure I had my camera in my bag too. My camera photos are so much better than just snapping with an iPhone.
I had a storksak with just the one ‘bit’. I took all my stuff into JL and sat there (for hours) and tried to fit everything in a pacapod and various separated bits but there just wasn’t the same space for what I needed as in a ‘one bit bag’.
I swopped to a backpack for my daughter at about 10 months as I needed more space for food but now we need to go back to carrying two lots of nappies and STUFF. Any idea how to separate so I don’t end up with newborn nappies for my two year old by mistake?
I have the Lassig changing bag – it’s brilliant! I also pack lip balm, teething granules (handy for older babies!), a spare dribble bib and my spare outfits include something in case it’s cooler or warmer (e.g. a romper and a cardi/booties). x
My sister is kindly buying me my first changing bag but with my input 🙂 any recommendations for bags (brand or must have features) other than those in the comments above ladies? All thoughts appreciated!! The difference in price ranges makes it all a bit mind boggling!!
I can heartily recommend the Storksak Noa if it helps! The outside has stayed smart-looking (and is wipe clean, just like the inside) but the inside really does fit everything in and more. I really liked the inner holder thing (I don’t know how to describe it, like an inner organiser bag that can be removed?!), as it meant I could organise the nappies, cream, hand sanitiser, Milton wipes etc and keen clean clothes and all those little bits you inevitably need in the middle. It meant that, while the bag was a generous size, I could always find the things that I wanted quickly and easily. The only thing I don’t like is that the built-in velcro things to attach the bag to the pram were impractical and didn’t fit my Bugaboo. However, I just bought some Venture Stroller Clips from Amazon which solved the problem and made it a lot easier to get the bag on and off anyway. For me having a wipe clean exterior has proved invaluable, particularly after a recent sick moment from my little one!!! I had never considered that pre-baby but it makes me so grateful for my choice now!! I also bought the changing bag in grey as my husband has shared parental leave with me, so I wanted something that I liked but which wasn’t too overtly girly. All personal choices!! There are loads of options out there, I would definitely go to a shop and have a good explore. Good luck!!
Love the idea to roll everything up in the changing mat! My husband prides himself on his organisation so he’ll be pleased with this one too. I carried some hand cream as the hand sanitiser/breastfeeding would give me dry skin and now that my little one is a toddler, I always carry snacks and a distraction (toy/book) to keep her entertained. Although, she invariably ends up playing with my keys.
Definitely second the Milton wipes! Emergency snacks for baby and mum are a must too, as are spare socks. My seven month old is a ninja at taking hers off in the pram!
I’ve recently changed my pram and my JL leather hold-all (not a real change bag but has all kinds of pockets and works great) doesn’t fit or hang anywhere useful, which is annoying. It did happen to fit perfectly in the base of the bugaboo I used from birth though which is when I really needed it. I don’t think I planned that but it’s worth considering how straps fit the pram as well as colour and pockets as it’s far handier to save poor shoulders and pass on the extra weight.
These days we need a spare Lightening McQueen and a little orange as well as the nappies, spare clothes, water, wipes etc but i’ve also always kept a small suncream, sunhat a few sachets of calpol and a mini baby thermometer in one section…and plasters. Someone somewhere always needs a plaster!
As well as all the above, I pack an emergency cereal bar in my bag for when you inevitably get stuck feeding somewhere / are trapped in the car with a sleeping baby you don’t want to move and find you are starving! A couple of toys to keep them occupied also comes in handy.
Another backpack fan here – I got the Pacapod Hastings ( which I love! Comes with handy little pocketbags which you can also take out on their own – one for changing and one for bottkes/ food). It clips nicely on the pram and the husband doesn’t feel too awkward carrying it when we take the munchkin out in the carrier.
And I second a snack and bottle of water for myself!
You say changing bag…. I hear Tiba and Marl 😉
Shame my babies are too old to justify it but if I had my time again!!
To be honest I’ve never had a changing bag, since I didn’t bottle feed I didnt feel I needed one. Just a nappy, a small pack of wipes and a change of clothes, I’d lay them on a muslin. And If I really wanted a new baby outfit from Zara I would conveniently ‘forget’ one. I have been known to carry a nakid baby to buy a new outfit hahaaa!
I’d lump changing bags and changing tables into the ‘optional baby junk’ category. I needed to save for all the Zara loveliness.
I never had a changing bag I just used a little drawstring bag from Cath Kidston to store a couple of nappies, some wipes, disposable change mat and nappy sacks and would stick that either under the pushchair or in my big handbag! However I didn’t bottle feed so I didn’t have all that stuff to carry, I think that makes a big difference! Now I’m expecting baby 2 I thought I better get some kind of official changing bag as I’ll have 2 lots of change stuff and clothes / snacks etc, however rather than a proper changing bag I’ve gone for an overnight style bag from Cath Kidston again! Mainly because it was about £30 in the sale vs over £90 for one that’s got the title of ‘changing bag’! I think it’s so unfair that the price is so hiked up on most change bags! However obviously you do get your use out of them and I’m sure the compartments are handy! X
Another in the rucksack/no handbag camp, my Fjallraven Kanken is perfect for changing essentials plus my own stuff.
My top tip is Dr. Bronner lavender antiseptic spray, much gentler to hands than standard sprays, smells divine and a really cute bottle too!
For those that like the idea of a changing mat that holds the essentials, my friend Jo-Ann makes brilliant changing mats with pockets on the side to hold wipes and nappies. Check out Handmade by Jo & Co on Facebook.
I’m on my second changing bag in 9 months as I just can’t find one I like. First one was from Mama’s and Papa’s, it didn’t have enough inside pockets, and the second one from Cath Kidston which has more pockets but still not enough! I need more organisation! ?Lx