Seen as it’s Halloween we are talking pumpkins again. But not the spooky kind. We did that last week. Instead is your baby the size of a kumquat or a pineapple? A lentil or a lettuce? I had many a friend who used to sit at work excitedly telling us all what pregnancy growth stage they were at. How big was their baby that day and what would it be like next week. I have to confess I never got in to it myself and didn’t know if Molly was currently a kidney bean or an avocado. I just knew my tummy was getting bigger!
For a bit of fun we thought we would put together a little chart of the different growth stages and how big your baby is an each stage. And in the interests of making it look nice we have obviously compared them to various fruit and vegetables*. Well, we had to get a pineapple in there somewhere didn’t we?
At 6 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Lentil – Yep, at six weeks you have the teeniest tiniest foetus growing inside you. About 5mm long. That’s so small.
At 8 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Kidney Bean – Measuring in about 1.6cm from head to bottom your weighs around 1kg and will be starting to move and wriggle around.
At 10 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Kumquat – No, I’m not really sure what a kumquat looks like either but it looked cute and sounded good! Baby will be around 3.1cm and weighs a teeny 4g.
At 12 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Lime – When you head off for your 12 week scan just think of those G&T’s that you used to idly drink on a Friday night. Those lime slices you added are what size your little one is now. Baby has grown dramatically in the last few weeks and will weigh about 14g and measure about 5.4cm from head to bottom.
At 16 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Avocado – An avocado suddenly feels quite real. There’s some weight to it, approximately 100g in baby terms and around 11.6cm long.
At 20 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Banana – When it’s time for your 20 week scan think about that essential potassium intake and that banana is exactly what your baby is represented by. Weighing in at 300g there has been a bit of a spurt. Your baby will now also be measured head to heel rather than head to bottom so is now around 25.6cm
At 24 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Ear of Corn – Baby is growing fast and now measures the same as your old school ruler, 30cm and weighs about 600g.
At 28 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Aubergine – You’ve hit the 1kg mark and baby will now be measuring in at about 37.5cm.
At 32 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Pineapple – The best size in our book. Almost doubling in weight over the last 4 weeks to just under 2kg and 43.7cm head to heel.
At 36 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Lettuce – We’ve gone with a Romaine lettuce as they are taller and your baby is shooting up fast (excuse the pun). About 47.4cm long head to heel and a weighty 2.6kg. They’ll be putting on around 30g a day in the final few weeks.
At 40 weeks your baby is the size of a….. Pumpkin – Congratulations, your due date is here (hopefully) and you are now carrying a little pumpkin. How cute. Weighing around 3.5kg and just over 51cm head to heel. Obviously this is dependent upon baby’s final size but it gives you an idea.
So there you have it. Our handy little guide to those baby sizes. If you are pregnant drop us a note below letting us know which fruit or vegetable you are currently carrying.
*Please note these are for comparative purposes only. We take no responsibility for if your greengrocer stocks giant tomatoes or your local Tesco only has mini pumpkins!

This fab! I knew all the fruit and veg with my first pregnancy but I have to say I haven’t really had a clue this time round!
Baby is currently the size of a pumpkin, I wish it was a lovely mini white pumpkin but she feels like a massive orange one! Due date was yesterday so I’m officially overdue today! Weird feeling as Freddie arrived bang on his due date so this a new experience for me. Here’s hoping she won’t be getting bigger than a pumpkin as I literally don’t think my bump could cope!!
Oooh, good luck and hope baby arrives soon. Maybe a Halloween arrival for your pumpkin? xx
Not sure if it was your comment but our little girl arrived at 4.22 this morning ? and I managed to have my vbac no less!! Thanks for giving her the nudge ? Xx
Oh yay! That is AMAZING news. Huge congratulations!! So exciting xx
Love this! I haven’t got the app myself but my friends are work are constantly telling me what fruit or veg my little bubba is every week! At the moment he/she is a sweet potato which doesn’t sound too terrifying – by the time you get to pumpkins it’s a bit scarier!! xx
A sweet potato sounds perfectly manageable Kate. I promise they don’t get too much bigger!! x
Haha! I’m thoroughly enjoying the fruit comparisons, mainly as a result of them being so completely all over the place from one week to the next! I’m currently between a banana and an ear of corn according to your chart, one app has baby as papaya-sized (seems a bit wee!) and the other the size of a bunch of grapes (whatever size that may be!).
I think the day it reads watermelon will be the day I delete my app… x
He he, yep they are a little bit of fun and I have no idea how they figure them out. Maybe you could come up with some new cross pollination fruit of a papagrape! x
I’m a kumquat and ironically is making me feel as ill as the one time I had one! On an app I have it says a green olive, although I think this must be a large one! Bring on the lime when I’ll hopefully stop wanting to be sick!!!
Oh no, hope you stop feeling sick soon. It’s no fun at all xx
Em I am at Kumquat stage too – and also hanging on for the magical 12-14 weeks when (apparently) the nausea eases up. I am SO over feeling hungover every single day with none of the fun!
But I absolutely love the fruit analogies – this is my first baby and it makes it much easier to visualise it in my tummy! Although I’m not sure I know what a kumquat actually is, thinking about it….
Woohoo! I appear to be carrying an Avanana…due to being 18 weeks..just started to feel movement which is just Amazing. Never felt so blimmin clever in my life!?
Hooray and huge congratulations xxx