I may write this with a small tear in my eye as my big little girl starts school in September. How on earth did that happen? She surely can’t be ready to go quite yet. However, this is post is not about me getting all emotional but is instead about getting myself organised.
I’m pretty sure I will be doing another post on how I’m feeling sad/nervous/old now I have a little one at school/excited about this next stage but for now I am putting my practical head on and I’ve been trying to think of everything she will need for those first days in her new classroom and wanted to share a list for all the other mums who are preparing to wave their little ones off on their new adventure. These items are geared towards first school so I know the list for older kids would be quite a bit longer. See you in the queue at the shoe shop.
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Uniform {Clothing}
This will obviously be dependent upon each individual school but as a guide you will probably need the following items.
2 x Trousers or Skirts/Pinafores – These will be in the specified colour but I definitely think I will need at least two skirts, possibly three, for Molly. She’s a pretty neat little girl but all it takes is one blob of paint or one dropped lunch. Go for machine washable, hard wearing, the works. I’ve purchased mine from M&S when they had 20% off but I also really rate the supermarkets, especially Sainsburys, for good quality at a low price. I opted for pinafores as Molly is so skinny the skirts just fall off her!
3 x shirts or polo shirts – At Molly’s first school they have to wear the school polo shirt and I think a lot of first schools will be the same rather than little one’s having fiddly shirt buttons. I’ve got two Polo shirts but thinking three may be a better option now…
2 x Jumpers or Cardigans – For when it gets chillier (um, that will be all the time then) a jumper or cardigan is required. Again, Molly’s is a school sweatshirt or sweat cardigan (is that a thing?) and I’ve opted for two.
Waterproof Coat – It seems these kids aren’t lightweights when it comes to the rain and are out in all weather. I’m opting for a pack away mac that she can easily store in her bag. Probably not school regulation but how amazing is this flamingo mac from John Lewis?!
Socks and tights – Many schools will have specific colours of socks and tights that the children need to wear so it is worth checking. I thought Molly’s was grey then recently found out (after making the purchases) that it is navy. Oops.
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Uniform {Footwear}
School Shoes – This is going to possibly be my biggest challenge with Molly. There is no way that girl wants a pair of black shoes. I also have the whole issue of when to buy them. I don’t want to leave it till the end of the holidays when it will be crazy but equally if I buy them now will they still fit her in September? And do I go for Clarks or Startrite or another brand altogether. Basically what is going to be the most hardwearing?
Wellies – Molly does Forest School every week plus goes outside whatever the weather so a pair of wellies is essential. I normally grab some from the supermarket or really rate the Crocs wellies. They are so lightweight and easy for the little ones to pull on with the handles.
Gym Kit
Shorts – The littles will probably be starting regular PE lessons so gym kit will be needed. This will most likely be a pair of shorts for the majority of indoor lessons. I’ve grabbed some from M&S but a lot of schools will allow them to have sports shorts.
Tracksuit Bottoms – For colder days or outdoor activities a pair of tracksuit bottoms is a good idea. Again, just in a plain colour.
T Shirt – This may be a plain white polo shirt or in Molly’s case a rather fetching bright green school t-shirt.
Plimsols – Who remembers those lovely black PE plimsols? Yep, that is what I am now back to purchasing.
Gym Bag – I need to get Molly a small drawstring bag for her PE kit. She could have had a school one but I thought she would like a pretty little one like this Joules one. There is a severe lack around at the moment so hoping a few more will pop up.
Summer Essentials
2 x Summer Dress or Shorts – IF it ever warms up then a summer dress or shorts will be needed. Often those first few weeks of September can be quite warm so you may find they are heading back in these. One word of advice on the summer dresses. I opted for the cute traditional style from M&S but my god it creases. Go for cheap and cheerful non-iron every time. The £4 one from Sainsburys was excellent.
Sun Hat – For those sunny days. You could opt for a baseball hat or a nice floppy number. I think a cowboy hat may be pushing it a bit though…..
Suncream – I’ll normally apply suncream before the start of school but if it’s a hot day then a bottle of named suncream in their bag is a good idea.
Winter Essentials
Hats, Gloves, Scarves – As they will be outside a lot then warm hats, scarves and gloves are excellent ideas. I probably wouldn’t go for your favourites as if your children are like Molly they will either get lost or end up covered in mud.
Winter Coat – A nice warm coat for those chilly walks to school is a must. I picked up two amazing bargains in the Boden winter sale last year. A gorgeous pink duffle coat for £20 and a super cosy fleece lined anorak for £12. I was impressed with my thinking ahead skills.
Bags & Stationery
Rucksack – I’ll be letting Molly choose a little rucksack for her school days. I’m guessing it may well be a princess one if she has her way!
Book Bag – We also have a little school book bag which they use for bringing back, well, books as well as paintings and homework.
Lunch Bag – I am yet to buy Molly’s lunch bag. She currently has a little Skip Hop monkey bag but it’s a bit tatty now and I wanted to get her something new for starting school. I have my eye on this Joules hamster one or a cute owl from Boden.
Water bottle – Molly has to take a in a bottle of water each day. We recently bought these Camelbak flasks and they are the best. More pricey but super hardwearing and they have a range of cute prints on them. We obviously have the unicorn one but also a shark too.
Pencil Case & pencils – I’m a little bit gutted that Molly doesn’t need a full on stationery set with protractor and ruler. That was one of the the most fun parts of going back to school. I don’t think she actually needs a pencil case in reception class but we may get a little one to keep in her bag.
Name Labels – This should probably have a category of its own given the importance of these bad boys. Label, label, label is the mantra where school is concerned. I can’t guarantee you won’t still loose things but it will help. Long gone are the days of having to sew in tiny little name labels to everything. I buy mine from Tinyme.com and I can’t praise them enough. I get the bumper pack which has a variety of stickers in various sizes as well as iron in labels for the clothes. These have been through the wash a lot and have survived copious tumble drying. You can choose all manner of patterns and colours so it’s a fun to get the kids to help create their own design.
Is anyone else’s little one’s starting school this September? Any essential kit that I have forgotten?
Image by Little Beanies Photography
Oh it’s sooo tough! They seem so little and at the same time so big and grown up ??
Have you seen the documentary B is for Book? It’s still on iPlayer and it’s so beautiful- focused on the first two years of school and learning to read.
No, I haven’t. Must take a little peek. I know, I just want them to stay little forever xxx
Great list Lottie! As a teacher of littlies I have a couple of tips to get on the teacher’s good side ? It’s unlikely they’ll need a pencil case etc and will probably just get in the way/ cause constant arguments about borrowing/ losing equipment, label EVERYTHING with your child’s name – EVERYTHING ? . Don’t buy an expensive bright coloured winter coat without checking the uniform policy, don’t bring an excessive amount of bags as they will probably have one tiny peg in the cloakroom, just something big enough for reading folder and water bottle. Lunch bags might not be needed as school dinners are FREE for infants! Have fun at school Molly ? X
Thanks so much Claire. I”m probably already breaking a lot of the cardinal sins of first time schooler. I had already been told she probably didn’t need a rucksack so I may cross that off my list and am pretty sure her fuchsia pink duffle coat isn’t regulation school uniform!! I’m figuring I can get her a navy mac/play coat which will most likely be what she wears most days to school. At the moment Molly is refusing to have school lunches but hoping she will change her mind. One less thing to organise each morning. You will be pleased to know though that I have the labels ready and waiting. Must get organised and start applying them as otherwise I’ll be having a last minute panic. xxxx
We’ve been busy getting Elliott ready to go to Secondary school for the first time this September. I think we’re nearly there now with the exception of his school shoes which we’ll get nearer the time incase his feet grow!
We swear by these name labels https://www.name-labels.com/name-labels-new.php which are probably more suited to older kids who’s street cred would go out the window if we sent them to school with Lions on their labels. The TinyMe labels are super cute for the littles though 😉 xxx
I reckon Elliott would have serious street cred with Lion Labels, he he! x
I also agree with everything Claire C says above- especially not taking too much as it all has to fit on a rather squashed peg! A lot of schools have the children wearing pumps inside now and only wearing their school shoes outside so make sure you check this and label your pumps! They’re so easy to mix up! X
I keep forgetting to buy pumps. Must get shopping x
Whilst it will break my actual heart when my little starts school, I’m already looking forward to kitting her out. I loved getting my school stuff back in the day.
Those labels from Tiny Me are super cute. I’ve used Petit Fernand in the past and theirs are good too. Their sticky labels for lunch boxes, books etc truly do not budge, even in the dishwasher!
Good luck to Molly on her first day x
Fab list.
I sobbed, all day on Molly’s first day. It doesn’t help that I had given birth two weeks prior but my goodness. I held it together for her though until she walked in. We all walked together on her first day with Jamie, but we massively underestimated the walk and ended up running the last five minutes!! I would recommend doing a couple of trial runs because we didn’t allow for her little (usually quick) legs or my weakness after labour!
Also, you need double possibly triple the amount of polo shirts (get a range of sizes they shrink pretty quickly) to go under pinafores and with skirts and at least 10 pairs of white socks and a bucketload of stain remover. Somehow school is a whole lot messier than nursery!? Anything white ends up brown.
And definitely no pencil case or extra rucksack (I got around that by using her cath kidston rucksack for PE so I still got that moment). There’s enough for them to remember and cram on that tiny peg.
Good luck! I still hate it. Like really really hate leaving her there every day x
I would also add – don’t put suncream in their bag, teachers dont have time to apply it unlike at nursery. The kids will get in a mess. Put on a thick layer in the morning before they leave if it’s meant to be a sunny day. Also, Molly likes to have a chapstick in her coat. She has a little pocket on the inside of her coat that;s her ‘lipstick pocket’. Her and her little friends love applying it in front of each other when they have sore lips haha!!! So cute! x
That is the cutest. My Molly has just got in to lip balms too so that may be a good one for her. xxx
Oh Sioned. I’m hoping I can hold it together. Luckily Molly already goes to pre-school at her school so hoping I can just pretend it’s like any other day not full time school. I may be kidding myself. And we are always late. ALWAYS! I only live down the road and for some reason that means when I should actually be walking up I’m frantically running round filling water bottles and finding shoes. Useless xx
In my opinion, you can’t have enough polo shirts and and pinafores/skirts. I rarely get a second wear out of anything (apart from her cardigan or sweatshirt) and wouldn’t be able to face the constant ironing if I only had two sets. Having four complete outfits means that I usually have to get all the school stuff ready once a week.
Not sure that there will be much call for a pencil case. Our school actively discourages the children from bringing anything in. I think it would just be another thing for them to lose! We’ve also never needed a rucksack as everything just squeezes into the school book bag.
And I hear you on those bloody summer dresses. Anti crease they said. Yeah, right!
I think I may be upping the amounts too Helen as realistically two probably won’t be enough. That’s probably the minimum. I’d also been told by friends that just the book bag will suffice and I don’t really think Molly needs a pencil case but I guess maybe if it isn’t their first year then they would. Shame as I love a good bit of stationery…. xxx
Thanks for the post! You reminded me to order some more t shirts!! I cannot believe it is already time for school. How many shorts and t shirt do we need for the gym kit – do they just do it once a week so one is enough or do we need two gym t shirts? (noting I am a working mum with a long commute who tends to save all the washing for the weekend!!)
They’ll do PE twice a week probably, but it’s unlikely they’ll be sweaty enough at that age to warrant a wash every time! Most parents take the PE kit home every weekend/ couple of weekends/ half term because it needs to be in school everyday in case of extra PE (or ‘accidents’ ?) x