Yep, I was that mad person who had two under two. To be precise, Molly was 19 months when Alice was born. I’m not going to lie and say it was easy and I’ll also put my hands up and say I probably did a lot of things wrong but we got through it. However, I look back now and it honestly doesn’t seem that bad.

When I found out I was expecting Alice I had a whole heap of emotions, mainly of the “help, how am I going to do this” variety. I hadn’t even gone back to work yet and then there was all the guilt about how Baby Molly would feel. She was so tiny herself.

The fact is, you can’t worry too much about it as what will be will be. And you will get through it.

Having them close in age means you are still very much in the ‘baby’ stage. Yes we were getting sleep but we were still essentially looking after a little one and in ways that made it easier.

If you read my post the other week you will know that Edd works away a lot, or stupidly long hours, in the week. This meant that not only was I trying to juggle two little ones but that I was doing it solo most of the week. I can’t tell you how relieved I was when the weekend came around or on the nights he did manage to walk through the door for bedtime.

The early months were tough. To say Alice was not a good sleeper is an understatement. If she had been things may have been different, who knows. As it was I couldn’t put her down for the first four months of her life and this meant poor Molly had to fit in around us.

Trying to establish routines was nigh on impossible. I always took the viewpoint that they would get there in their own time and they both did. Although I couldn’t get Alice in a routine, trying to maintain Mollys was of great help to both me and Molly. Especially at bedtime. It kept consistency and, to be honest, some focus to the day. Rather than bother with the baby bath Alice went straight in the big bath with her sister. It was easier to do this than faff with two bath times. I can highly recommend a little bath support if you are in a similar situation. I would then lift Alice out, dry her and dress her whilst Molly had a splash. Then it was a case of lying Alice on the bathroom mat whilst I did the same with Molly. Normally whilst Alice screamed the place down. We would then head downstairs where Molly would have her milk and I would feed Alice whilst we all snuggled on the sofa. Bedtime was often a bit of a fail. I would attempt to pop Alice in her moses basket or on Mollys floor whilst I read a story but we normally couldn’t hear over the wail of Alice. I felt awful that poor Molly never got a proper story time when it was just the three of us. Probably why Daddy quickly became her favourite storyteller!

During the day I did my best to keep to similar outings. Molly had stopped nursery, mainly for financial reasons, when I went on maternity leave again. However, we got out to her music group and still saw our friends as much as we could. It was nice to get out and about and gave me a bit of sanity. I also saw my mum lots. It was one of the best things and so much help to me. Even just having someone there to get Molly’s juice or find her toys. My advice, never ever turn down help.

I can hand on heart say Molly was amazing. No stropping or crying or whinging. However, there were other things that changed with her that still make me feel guilty to this day. She stopped saying the few words she had mastered and became very quiet. She also became a huge fan of Disney and her dummy. I shouldn’t have let her have it the whole time but it gave her some comfort and, lets be honest, I didn’t have the energy to fight it.

As Alice got older (and started sleeping!) things did get easier. We found new routines but the one benefit of having them close in age is that they still have similar needs and timings. We have always done all their dinners, bedtimes etc together. Yes, getting dressed after bathtime may have got a bit trickier once Alice started crawling but you learn your own little methods. Whether that was shutting the bathroom door to keep her in or popping her in her cot with some books.

Although having two under two scared me at the time I can hand on heart say I now wouldn’t have it any other way. They are, in the main, incredibly close and I adore watching the girls play together. I just hope they keep that closeness as they grow older. Have any of you had two under two?

Image by Sophie Hewitt Photography.